
Check out the latest news about NAA and special announcements pertinent to the field of afterschool.

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With 80% of a young person's life spent outside of school, afterschool programs can play an important role in providing guidance, support and inspiration for students' career and college pathways. Sadly, many students miss out on the valuable resources and opportunities these programs have to offer.

Recently signed into law by President Biden, the American Rescue Plan provides $500 billion that can be used in part to support young people during out-of-school time.

Monday, 15 March 2021 11:50

NAA Announces Corporate Advisory Board Chair

The National AfterSchool Association Corporate Advisory Board (CAB), which was established to help further the goals and mission of NAA and to educate and encourage corporate investment in afterschool programming, have announced Syndy Lynch, Director of Sales Operations for the Business Development team in the Education Technology division of Texas Instruments Incorporated, as their chair.

Published in News

Since the onset of the pandemic, afterschool professionals and leaders are doing incredible work using digital learning tools and technology—in programs, organizations and beyond.

Afterschool professionals and leaders have an opportunity to make an impact on the lives of youth!

Did you know? Digital Learning Day (DLDay) is February 25, 2021! Especially since the onset of the pandemic, afterschool professionals and leaders are doing incredible work using digital learning tools and technology—in programs, organizations and beyond.

Tuesday, 02 February 2021 10:11

Vaccine Priority and Reopening Afterschool

Much has changed as it relates to out-of-school time workers and their vaccine eligibility, not to mention a new executive order that impacts the reopening of afterschool programs. Read on for the latest developments afterschool professionals and leaders should be aware of.

Tuesday, 26 January 2021 11:05

Member-to-Member Tip Off: Lessons for Others

As 2020 came to a close, NAA asked afterschool leaders in its Reopening Afterschool Facebook group to share one lesson they'd like to pass along to other afterschool professionals and leaders. As we embark on a new year filled with hope and optimism, read what these leaders had to say.

Tuesday, 12 January 2021 09:21

Engaging Youth in Computer Science

In December 2020, was launched by the Click2SciencePD team to increase access to Computer Science (CS) programming in out-of-school time (OST).

Tuesday, 05 January 2021 10:10

Invest in Yourself and Your Development in 2021

Last week, I hosted a call with Dr. Jamie Freeny where we discussed self-care. I could see from the nods of attendees that Dr. Freeny's powerful words really resonated.

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