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3 Ways to Prepare for American Rescue Plan Funding

Recently signed into law by President Biden, the American Rescue Plan provides $500 billion that can be used in part to support young people during out-of-school time.

The Afterschool Alliance recently shared an article breaking down frequently asked questions from those in the field about accessing and preparing for potential funding.

There are a variety of funds specifically available for afterschool and summer programs through the plan. The article touches on who will control the funds, indicating that the federal government will disburse funds to the states within a few weeks. From there, state education and human service agencies will decide how to distribute funds.

The article also touches on what they expect in terms of disbursement of funds:

1. $21.9B for learning recovery to local education agencies/school districts.
2. $39 billion for child care to state child care agencies for dispersal, including school age care.
3. $8.45 billion in funding to state education agencies (SEAs).
4. Counties and state governments will receive $350 billion in funds to spend.

There are some things to consider in order to prepare. The article stresses that simply because funding can be spent on afterschool and summer programs doesn't mean it's guaranteed to be, and that programs should reach out to local education leaders to share what your program offers to young people especially as it relates to recovery.

  • Start by considering and articulating what it is you can offer (the who, how and what).
  • Gather info to make your case. The article offers up a handout for use which demonstrates how afterschool and summer programs accelerate learning and social emotional supports.

To help in your efforts to reach out to school districts and local government, the article shares a template letter and talking points to help you prepare.

View the article and additional details here.

Courtesy of NAA.