Professional Development

NAA publishes fresh, new content every week covering a wide variety of topics related to the field of aftershool. In addition, NAA offers a variety of opportunities for virtual professional development (PD) through meaningful content, conversations and connections. Click here to see full descriptions of virtual PD offerings.

Share Your Knowledge with Others This Digital Learning Day

Did you know? Digital Learning Day (DLDay) is February 25, 2021! Especially since the onset of the pandemic, afterschool professionals and leaders are doing incredible work using digital learning tools and technology—in programs, organizations and beyond.

In honor of DLDay, don't keep those amazing apps, platforms and other digital resources a secret! Help strengthen the afterschool community by sharing technology related tools, tips and tricks on or before DLDay. Your input will be compiled into a curated collection of digital resources—with your contributor credit included, of course—and published on NAA's website and shared through NAA's communication channels.

Taking five minutes of your time today will benefit thousands of members of our profession. Share your knowledge so we can learn, grow and celebrate digital learning together!

Click here to share your ideas with other afterschool professionals and leaders.

Courtesy of NAA.