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NAA Announces Corporate Advisory Board Chair

The National AfterSchool Association Corporate Advisory Board (CAB), which was established to help further the goals and mission of NAA and to educate and encourage corporate investment in afterschool programming, have announced Syndy Lynch, Director of Sales Operations for the Business Development team in the Education Technology division of Texas Instruments Incorporated, as their chair.

"I am humbled and honored to serve as this year's Corporate Advisory Board Chair and believe together we can further the mission of NAA to promote development and provide educational advancement for the afterschool community," said Lynch. "Working for a technology company, I am especially passionate about introducing more youth to STEM opportunities to build the pipeline of our future workforce and to inspire future innovations.

"To accomplish our goals, it will take leadership, commitment and working together to foster meaningful, high-quality learning experiences for children and youth in out-of-school time."

In her current role, Lynch—who has been with TI since 2007—leads her teams to support STEM educators with their adoption of TI technology and professional services. She is also responsible for executing efficient business processes, design and adoption of sales systems, forecasting and reporting. Lynch is active in TI's Diversity and Inclusion network, specifically supporting the Women's Initiative Network.

Before joining TI, Lynch taught middle school and high school mathematics, in addition to coaching high school soccer and volleyball, winning two State Championships for girls soccer. She has a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Education from Louisiana State University and currently serves as Communications Chair on the Board of Directors of High-Tech High Heels, a nonprofit organization focused on introducing more girls to STEM careers. She also volunteers as a Leadership Coach to high school girls at her local church.

Lynch resides in Lucas, Texas with her husband and two children who are active in sports and STEM activities. She is on the STEM Council for Lovejoy ISD, where her children attend school. Lynch enjoys gardening, reading, piano, soccer and spending time with family and friends.

Lynch will be among the additional CAB members who serve as critical corporate champions for NAA and the broader field of afterschool.

CAB goals for 2021 include attracting corporate leadership who share an interest in corporate investment in youth outside of the classroom; hosting briefings with corporate partners on topics critical to workforce preparedness and providing family friendly environments; and increasing corporate dollars creating and expanding opportunities for young people in afterschool and to increase the quality of afterschool programs and providers.

To learn more about the CAB, click here.

Courtesy of NAA.