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Professional Development

NAA publishes fresh, new content every week covering a wide variety of topics related to the field of aftershool. In addition, NAA offers a variety of opportunities for virtual professional development (PD) through meaningful content, conversations and connections. Click here to see full descriptions of virtual PD offerings.

Boost Learning by Combining Teamwork and STEM

Tuesday, 08 August 2017 08:29

Technology has had a huge impact on today's employment landscape. One of the key changes is the increasing necessity to be able to work as part of a team.

Need Recommended Reading to Add to the List?

Tuesday, 08 August 2017 00:00

I've always loved reading, and I've always especially loved reading during the summer. One of my best memories from childhood was the summer I discovered Nancy Drew books.

The Power of Video Games

Tuesday, 01 August 2017 06:33

Freeze Trap! Repel! Cloak! Students across the country are powering-up learning and test scores—using video games, thanks to DimensionU.

The Power of Partnerships with the Business Community

Tuesday, 01 August 2017 06:11

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation (Alliance) believes business leaders, afterschool providers and others are essential partners in building a Culture of Health.

What Swimming Lessons Offer an Afterschool Professional

Tuesday, 25 July 2017 07:46

This hot weather has me reminiscing about summer as a kid. I have fond memories of sunny days growing up in a small town. The town didn't have a lot of things that bigger cities have, but it did have an outdoor Olympic-size swimming pool.

“Nothing About Us Without Us!”

Thursday, 20 July 2017 11:19

Earlier this month, NAA led a delegation of 22 afterschool leaders to Helsinki, Finland and Tallinn, Estonia to explore child and youth development systems and meet with youth policy experts in these two countries.

Crowdfunding for Afterschool

Tuesday, 18 July 2017 08:04

Crowdfunding has become a popular way for individuals to raise money for many good causes. Sometimes crowdfunding is used for relatively small amounts of money, but that's not always the case. Some crowdfunding projects raise tens of thousands of dollars.

Who Needs Gratitude for Your Afterschool Experience?

Tuesday, 11 July 2017 00:00

What childhood memories contribute to your health and wellness today? Who needs gratitude for your afterschool experience?

The Power of One Caring Human

Tuesday, 27 June 2017 00:00

Afterschool professionals know the importance of one caring adult in the life of a child. Research and anecdotes show that knowledgeable and skilled staff are crucial to quality afterschool programs that result in positive youth outcomes; relationships between adults and youth are key.

Selecting the Right Trainer or Consultant for Your Mission-Critical Project: The 4S Framework

Thursday, 22 June 2017 11:00

For resource-constrained out-of-school time (OST) program providers and intermediary organizations, working with an expert external trainer or consultant for a short, high-leverage project can be a cost-effective way of building capacity

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