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Professional Development

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Hour of Code: Afterschool Style

Computer science is foundational—and changing every industry on the planet. The basics of computer science help nurture creativity and problem-solving skills, preparing students for any future career.

 In fact, computing is the No. 1 source of wages in the United States. There are more than 500,000 computing jobs open nationwide, and computer science graduates enjoy the second-highest starting salary and the highest full-time employment rate (76 percent) within six months of graduation.

Every 21st-century student should have the opportunity to learn how to create technology.

Most schools, however, don't teach computer science.

Bring computer science to out-of-school time with an Hour of Code, a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics.

The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching over 100 million students in over 180 countries. Anyone, anywhere can organize an Hour of code Event.

No experience is needed by students, teachers or program leaders. Fun activities are available for students of all ages and all interests. Created by a variety of partners and for a variety of subjects, activities could inspire students in any class. Activities are available in over 45 languages and work on any modern browser, tablet, smartphone—and even with no computer at all.

You can host an Hour of Code at any time, but millions of events are completed cross the globe during Computer Science Education Week (December 5 through 11 this year), which celebrates the birthday of Grace Hopper, an early figure in computing and a U.S. Navy rear admiral.

Learn more about Hour of Code at hourofcode.com, try an hour yourself or host an Hour of Code during CSEd Week this year, to introduce students to the world of computing.