Professional Development

NAA publishes fresh, new content every week covering a wide variety of topics related to the field of aftershool. In addition, NAA offers a variety of opportunities for virtual professional development (PD) through meaningful content, conversations and connections. Click here to see full descriptions of virtual PD offerings.

What Is Computing in Afterschool?

Computing in afterschool is more than just computer science (CS).

It's using digital technology to create and communicate. It's understanding how to navigate and stay safe in a digital world. It's programing, building robots, playing and designing games, animation and more. It's preparing young people for a future that doesn't yet exist.

At Click2ComputerScience, we know there are a lot of afterschool programs that want computing to be part of what they offer to young people. We know that nine out of ten parents want their children to learn CS. And we know that inequity keeps many female, rural, Black and Latino students from learning CS because they simply don't have access to these experiences or resources.

To address these issues, we've designed Click2ComputerScience to be supportive, open access and free.

Click2ComputerScience brings together resources for everyone who is computing in out-of-school time or wants to learn how. There is a whole section designed to help you understand computer science better, in addition to resources on program planning and on engaging youth in CS. Click2ComputerScience also includes resources specifically for CS professionals who collaborate with afterschool programs.

Learn more about why computing is essential for all young people with this video:

For more information, visit Click2ComputerScience.

Courtesy of Click2Science.