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Professional Development

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Google Science Fair

Tuesday, 17 March 2015 14:33

The Google Science Fair is a global online competition open to individuals and teams ages thirteen to eighteen. Students sign up for the Science Fair with a free Google account at GoogleScienceFair.com.

Students will then carry out a test or experiment on a subject they're passionate about, and submit their project online. The submissions deadline is 18 May 2015.

There's a whole section of our website dedicated to helping participants through the competition. After the first round of judging, Google will announce 90 regional finalists whose work will then be reviewed even closer by a panel of judges. The top twenty students, or teams, will be invited to our finalist event at Google headquarters in Mountain View, California. Here they'll get to present their work to a group of distinguished scientists and tech innovators.

In the end, Google will honor five category winners, a Community Impact winner, an Incubator award and the grand prize winner. But whether or not they win, your students' participation will enrich their learning and give them a new appreciation of science and technology.

The Google Science Fair is a great way for your students to put into practice all the exciting stuff they learn in your programs. Things like thinking up problems or questions, hypothesizing, and using a method to find the solution. No matter their level, taking part will sharpen their critical-thinking and communication skills. Plus, they'll have fun along the way. In addition, the "Inspiring Educator Award" honors the contributions of one inspirational educator with a $10,000 classroom grant and educational products from LEGO.

For more information, and educator resources to help you get started, click here.