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Professional Development

NAA publishes fresh, new content every week covering a wide variety of topics related to the field of aftershool. In addition, NAA offers a variety of opportunities for virtual professional development (PD) through meaningful content, conversations and connections. Click here to see full descriptions of virtual PD offerings.

Member-to-Member Tip Off: Building Enrollment

In NAA's Reopening Afterschool Facebook group, members have been asked questions covering a variety of relevant and helpful topics with the goal of offering an exchange of tips between leaders and professionals in the field.

Recently, NAA asked afterschool leaders for their best tips for building enrollment during the pandemic:

"Personalize the invite. Text families individually to check in then if they are ready invite them. Send youth mail and include a return envelope and stamp. Rebuilding those relationships will remind them of your afterschool community. That said, we are small, yet mighty this fall when it comes to enrollment. We are here when families need us."
– Aimee Moody, 21st CCLC Grant Director, Afterschool/Summer Camp Director, LearningWorks/RSU 57

"We have been using social media to highlight the good things happening in the program. We are reminding our families that used us in the past of all the things great things we have always done and are introducing new families to our amazing program. We are also doing periodic check-in calls to our families. Just saying 'hi' and asking if there is anything they need that we can assist with, even if they are not currently using our services."
– Crystal Snyder, Ft. Detrick School Age Center

"I made a flier and asked my school district to include it in their Peachjar fliers that go out to all families in the district. I also reached out to the principals of each site and asked them to include the flier in their monthly newsletter to parents."
– Vanessa Sinclair, Executive Director, Extended Day Child Care

"See if schools will email parents information, or include in newsletter if they provide that. Also, if you provide care for a school district, they typically will put on their website as well with a link of your contact."
– Liz Richie, Owner, Learning Tree Childcare

What are some of your top tips for increasing enrollment?

NAA Executive members can join the Reopening Afterschool Facebook group to ask questions, brainstorm solutions, share resources, and learn from each other as our field takes on the challenge of meeting the needs of kids, families, and communities facing a very different back to school season. For more information and access, login to your member account today.

Courtesy of NAA.