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Professional Development

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The Census Toolkit for the Afterschool Community

Data from the 2020 Census will be used for the next 10 years to determine how the federal government spends over $900 billion a year.

This money goes toward programs that are absolutely necessary for the communities we serve and includes programs such as free and reduced lunch, low-income housing, Medicaid, and the funding for afterschool programs. 

Afterschool professionals are in an excellent position to help with the 2020 Census—not only because it directly benefits them and their communities, but because they're also able to reach harder-to-count populations from a trusted place. It's safe to fill out the census and illegal for anybody to share information collected, especially with law enforcement or immigration agencies.

Trust is key.

There are easy ways to get involved with the 2020 Census efforts. Simply taking the time to learn more about the census and help spread the word about its importance for afterschool programs is essential. The Census Toolkit for the Afterschool Community from the Afterschool Alliance includes key facts and talking points about the census, can help answer any questions, and also has fliers you can put up.

Educating yourself and your community goes a long way toward making sure our communities will get the funding they need. Get involved today!

Courtesy of NAA.