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2020 is almost over. And whether you've spent most of your time making bread or Zooming in bed, staring at a ceiling or working on healing, marching in the streets or indulging in sweets, rallying votes or collecting winter coats—this is a year we'll remember.

Monday, 21 December 2020 10:57

Drop the Ball

If someone throws you a ball, you'll probably catch it. You'll probably at least reach for it. Even if there's no real reason for you to, you probably will.

Even during a pandemic when afterschool professionals have been pulled in every direction imaginable, meeting the social-emotional needs of the young people remains a top priority.

Monday, 14 December 2020 15:01

Member-to-Member Tip Off: Self-Care Tips

Self-care is often something that gets put on the back burner for many afterschool professionals. But that shouldn't be the case! Recently, NAA asked afterschool leaders in its Reopening Afterschool Facebook group for their best tips for practicing and prioritizing self-care.

Tuesday, 08 December 2020 09:38

Drop the Ball

If someone throws you a ball, you'll probably catch it. You'll probably at least reach for it. Even if there's no real reason for you to, you probably will.

Published in Executive Extra

In response to the outcry about systematic racism and police violence against Black people in the US, many educators and afterschool professionals are wondering what they could do to create a more just society.

Tuesday, 08 December 2020 09:30

The Only Constant Is Change

Recently, Gina Warner, President & CEO, NAA, shared a message regarding the status of the NAA21 Convention and connectivity during the pandemic.

Published in Executive Extra
Tuesday, 08 December 2020 09:30

The Only Constant Is Change

Recently, Gina Warner, President & CEO, NAA, shared a message regarding the status of the NAA21 Convention and connectivity during the pandemic.

If you've been on a journey to create a more inclusive and diverse programs, you likely already know that equity must be made a priority in all facets of an organization. Difficult conversations, more transparency throughout the organization, and ensuring you're hiring leaders who understand equity and inclusion are critical. But how do you know if your organization truly fosters equity appropriately, if at all? The answers partly lie in conducting an equity audit.

In NAA's Reopening Afterschool Facebook group, members have been asked questions covering a variety of relevant and helpful topics with the goal of offering an exchange of tips between leaders and professionals in the field.

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