Professional Development

NAA publishes fresh, new content every week covering a wide variety of topics related to the field of aftershool. In addition, NAA offers a variety of opportunities for virtual professional development (PD) through meaningful content, conversations and connections. Click here to see full descriptions of virtual PD offerings.

The Only Constant Is Change

Tuesday, 08 December 2020 09:30

Recently, Gina Warner, President & CEO, NAA, shared a message regarding the status of the NAA21 Convention and connectivity during the pandemic.

You may be wondering about the status of NAA21 Convention. The event, scheduled for March 2021 in Nashville, Tennessee, has been cancelled.

For over 30 years, members of the afterschool profession have gathered together—in community—at NAA Convention for sharing, learning, inspiration and connection. While the cancellation of NAA21 is disappointing, the good news is that community and connections have not been cancelled. Our members know that NAA is more than a Convention, it's a professional association and a community.

The NAA team has made plans to ensure on-going sharing, learning and connecting for afterschool professionals and leaders. Next year, in lieu of Convention, there will be opportunities to connect with the diverse voices that apprise, uplift and illuminate the afterschool profession in at least two unique ways:

  • Intensive Professional Learning Communities: Engage in guided learning adventures designed to level-up your knowledge and skills on the most important topics in afterschool. Intensive PLCS will be led by expert facilitators and in community with other afterschool professionals and leaders. Budget up to $150 and 10 hours per person for each PLC. Details coming soon!
  • Expanded Executive Member Benefits: More resources and opportunities for existing and emerging leaders through new ebooks, virtual PD, affinity groups, book clubs and more. Budget $99 per person per year for each membership. Click here to upgrade or renew your executive membership.

2020 has been a year like no other and 2021 is sure to bring new challenges and changes for you as afterschool professionals and leaders and for our profession.

Please remember: We will get through this year and come out as stronger professionals. In-person gatherings WILL take place again but until then, NAA will keep you connected. We look forward to hosting you at NAA22 Convention in Las Vegas!


Gina Warner
President & CEO
National AfterSchool Association