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Member-to-Member Tip Off: Self-Care Tips

Monday, 14 December 2020 15:01

Self-care is often something that gets put on the back burner for many afterschool professionals. But that shouldn't be the case! Recently, NAA asked afterschool leaders in its Reopening Afterschool Facebook group for their best tips for practicing and prioritizing self-care.

For Erica Kreisler, Out of School Coordinator, Kansas City of Parks & Recreation, not having notifications buzzing on her phone has been a huge positive.

"When I am off work and home with my family, I am present with no interruptions of constant emails," said Kreisler. "My job makes it a point to be present at home/with family. Work things can be addressed/answered the next day. Obviously, if there are emergencies, we take care of it."

Nikki Mills, Program Manager, Vineyard Community Center, says her team has accountability in place where they check in on each other regularly.

"We will often go for walks around our building," said Mills. "We never feel like we have time—but we are grateful for the mental break."

At home, Mills will get up 30 minutes earlier to have some quiet time to herself at least three times per week.

"The benefit of the stillness has come to outweigh the early alarm," she said.

What are some of your top tips for self-care?

NAA Executive members can join the Reopening Afterschool Facebook group to ask questions, brainstorm solutions, share resources, and learn from each other as our field takes on the challenge of meeting the needs of kids, families, and communities facing a very different school year. For more information and access, login to your member account today.

Courtesy of NAA.