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Professional Development

NAA publishes fresh, new content every week covering a wide variety of topics related to the field of aftershool. In addition, NAA offers a variety of opportunities for virtual professional development (PD) through meaningful content, conversations and connections. Click here to see full descriptions of virtual PD offerings.

How to Have an Amazing 2017 (Free Gift Included!)

I remember so vividly how I felt this time last year: Overwhelmed. Frustrated. Mad at myself that another year had slipped by and I wasn't where I wanted to be in achieving my leadership goals.

Sure, by many accounts, it had been a great year for NAA. We had met our budget goals, rolled out some new amazing new programs and resources, and hosted another awesome national Convention. But here I was—ending the year much as I had begun it—with a list of leadership goals I had for myself that had gone untouched.

What I realized was that I had spent much of 2015 doing (and doing and doing)—when being was where I needed to spend more time. Being the leader I wanted to be. Being the leader NAA needed me to be.

So, I vowed 2016 would be different: I would spend less time doing and more time being. Now, as I reflect on the past year, I feel I'm moving closer to be my goal of being a confident, competent, connected leader.

Would you like to join me in focusing your 2017 on being a more confident, competent, connected leader?

Confident leaders find inspiration and use that to inspire those around them. At NAA, we believe in the power of inspiration. From our "Friday Feel Goods" to our (soon-to-be-launched) "Monday Motivations," we know that inspiring you helps you to inspire others—your staff, the children in your program and even their families.

Competent leaders are always learning, seeking out ways to continually develop their skills and the skills of those around them. From our TurnkeyPD series, to our Supporting Staff podcast series, to our Expert Hub, NAA has a wealth of resources to help you grow and develop your skills as a leader.

Connected leaders understand the value in building relationships, for both professional and personal gain. Let's face it: Being a leader is sometimes a pretty lonely job. Whether it's virtual connections through social media or IRL connections at NAA state affiliate trainings and meetings, connecting with other professionals is an important and necessary part of leadership development.

If you'd like to join me in being a more confident, competent, connected leader in 2017, one of the best ways to do that is to attend NAA17! There you'll be overwhelmed with inspiring and engaging plenary sessions each day (and two on Monday!) that will fill you with confidence in yourself and your abilities as a leader. You'll have the choice of over 170 workshops full of information about the latest in trends and developments in our field to build your leadership competencies. You'll have the opportunity to network with nearly 2,000 others working in this field, to grow both your professional and personal connections as a leader.

And because we know what doesn't get measured often doesn't get done, I'd like to present you with a gift—this Leadership Goal sheet—to set you on your path to being a more confident, competent, connected leader in 2017.

I hope attending NAA17 will be at the top of your list!

Written by Gina Warner, president and CEO of the National AfterSchool Association.