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Professional Development

NAA publishes fresh, new content every week covering a wide variety of topics related to the field of aftershool. In addition, NAA offers a variety of opportunities for virtual professional development (PD) through meaningful content, conversations and connections. Click here to see full descriptions of virtual PD offerings.

#NAA2015: Passionate Professionals and Powerful Stories!

The #NAA2015 Exhibit Hall will be transformed into an Afterschool Learning Expo where Passionate Professionals have opportunities to share Powerful Stories, network, and learn about innovative ideas and products to help support quality and professionalism in out-of-school time.

This transformation benefits attendees by providing an exhibit hall experience where engagement with ideas, people, and products to increase learning will positively affect out-of-school time quality and professionalism. Exhibitors will find the environment ideal to showcase products in a way that appeals to afterschool professionals to increase engagement and positively affect relationships.

Afterschool Learning Expo features

  • The Learning Expo will feature two learning labs focused on key afterschool learning areas: A STEM Lab sponsored by STEMfinity, set up as an OST STEM space, and a HEPA Lab sponsored by the YMCA of the USA, showcasing a healthy afterschool environment aligned with the NAA Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) Standards. Be sure to stop by the labs to experience the latest and greatest curriculum, materials, and products that support STEM and HEPA in afterschool!
  • Powerful Stories Showcase (sponsored by WRiTE BRAiN): Afterschool Professionals will have opportunity to experience the WRiTE BRAiN program, and both participants and students will share their amazing stories on stage.
  • Idea Swaps: Conversations and Problem Solving over Coffee: Get your wheels turning each morning at the 21st Century Café in the Learning Expo. Join colleagues for informal conversations on important topics—and, of course, coffee! Topics will be determined by attendees, so bring any problems you're facing, ideas, or questions for discussion. You can also sign up to lead a conversation by playing facilitator in a small group discussion. Simply head to the Idea Swap sign-up board in the Learning Expo (near the NAA booth) and add your name and topic to the board.
  • Passionate Professionals Selfie Station: Stop by the NAA Booth and pose with friends, colleagues, and special guests for a selfie and social media share: #NAA2015!
  • The 21st Century Café: The perfect place for attendees to engage in collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication. Come network and share ideas in small group discussions about current afterschool topics through our morning Idea Swaps or informal lunch conversations!

Click here for more information about the 2015 NAA Convention, March 8 – 11 in Washington, D.C.