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Professional Development

NAA publishes fresh, new content every week covering a wide variety of topics related to the field of aftershool. In addition, NAA offers a variety of opportunities for virtual professional development (PD) through meaningful content, conversations and connections. Click here to see full descriptions of virtual PD offerings.

Non-Competitive Games and Resources

Non-competitive games help young people get to know each other, teach cooperation, and make all children feel welcome. The first day of a new program or days when new children visit your site are great times to utilize non-competitive games.

Here are five ideas to try.

  1. Jump rope games are easy to organize and lead. If you're outdoors you can even try "Jumping Rope with Water"! Try this training video from the American Council On Exercise.

    Tip: Have staff participate by holding one end of the jump rope and jumping too!

  2. Stuck indoors, but want to get children moving? Try Scarf Activities from Skillastics.

    Tip: You can find additional non-competitive activities at HealthyKidsHub.org.

  3. Want a friendly version of tag? Try "Help Your Neighbor."

    Tip: Adults will love this game, too. Try it out at your next staff training or staff meeting.

  4. Feeling creative on a rainy day? Try "Active Day Cartoons" from the Food and Fun Curriculum.

    Tip: Buy a roll of paper and have children create a graffiti wall of cartoons or even make their own comic books!

  5. Want to get your children dancing together? Create a free account at GoNoodle. Dinosaur Stomp is sure to be a hit!

    Tip: Whenever using videos, test out the audio and Internet connection. Have a backup, in case technology issues arise.

From Daniel W. Hatcher, MPH National Healthy Out-of-School Time Advisor, Alliance for a Healthier Generation (Daniel.Hatcher@healthiergeneration.org),
Michelle Owens, National Student & Employee Wellness Advisor, Alliance for a Healthier Generation (Michelle.Owens@healthiergeneration.org),
Maya Oubre, Manager, Los Angeles, Alliance for a Healthier Generation (Maya.Oubre@healthiergeneration.org)