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An Afterschool Program Grew by 207% by Improving Their Registration and Payment Processes with SmartRec by Amilia

Monday, 25 April 2022 08:06

You have a lot going on: staffing is a challenge, the safety of students is top priority, and the growth of your business is necessary for you to be able to provide more value to even more children… just to name a few things. While you're busy with the day to day, it can be extremely difficult to decide how to tackle all these issues. But you can do it all, with the right support!

Little Kitchen Academy (LKA) was able to do just that.

A few years ago, they came up against a challenge: they were experiencing rapid growth, but their registration system couldn't keep up with it. Plus, the manual payment process wasted valuable staff time. They needed to find the right partner that could help them expand while offering students and parents the best experience possible when registering for activities. They were able to accomplish it with the help of 4 key improvements:

1. They switched from a manual to an automated invoicing system and saved hours of staff time with a new integrated payment system that provided:
- Flexible subscriptions, instalments, and payment options
- Automated payments & recurring billing
- 24/7 access for parents to update financial account info

2. With student safety a top priority, LKA needed a system that could manage the health and safety information of their students when they registered online. Configurable forms and client profiles allowed them to:
- Collect information during the registration process
- Give staff live access to info at their fingertips during classes
- Allow parents and admin to update information in real-time

3. Communicating with customers was a big priority for LKA but not supported by any of their tools. Using a platform that has an app store helped them find tools to automate communication workflows with:
- Filtered lists and mass emails
- Marketing emails to increase loyalty
- Notifications on class changes

4. Ensuring a smooth registration process was an important way for LKA to ensure they provide the best customer experience possible. With classes filling fast they needed a waitlist system that would prevent frustration with:
- Automated notifications to parents when a spot opens up
- Requiring no intervention or adjustments from staff
- Filling classes to capacity to maximize time and resources

With an integrated payment system, smoother registration process and more easy-to-use tools to help enhance customer experience, LKA saw a boost in registrations and client satisfaction. What’s more is that they were also able to free up valuable staff time to focus more on their programming.

The results of their experience-first approach for parents and children towards everything they do can be seen in their success so far: in growth, repeat business, and referrals!

The LKA team continues to work with the Amilia customer experience team to leverage the platform to the fullest and provide insight into the day-to-day operations.

Do you want to work with the best software to automate processes, save time, reassure parents, and keep kids safe? Get in touch with the Amilia team today!