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Summer for All: Community Collaborations to Promote Access to Quality Summer Opportunities

Friday, 12 November 2021 00:00

Summer is a period of opportunity and concern when it comes to children and youth. However, a new report from the RAND Corporation commissioned by The Wallace Foundation shows that collaboration among community stakeholders can help identify and prioritize high-quality summer programming. The report, which focuses on the experiences of four cities, demonstrates that building successful summer networks requires a shared vision, strong leadership, coordinated action, funding for sustainability, and diagnostic data. The progress made and lessons learned in Boston, Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Washington, D.C. can serve as a roadmap for communities across the country.

Successful networks for summer opportunities for children and youth share five qualities:

  1. Shared vision

  2. Strong leadership

  3. Coordinated action

  4. Funding

  5. Diagnostic data

Learn more >

Written by Catherine H. Augustine, Jennifer McCombs, Garrett Baker
RAND Education and Labor