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Friday, 08 October 2021 00:00

Are you experiencing challenges recruiting afterschool program staff? Try these 12 tips to support your hiring efforts!

Engage Staff and Partners

  • Email your partners and other local organizations who have access to a talent pipeline (e.g., high school; community, 2 year, and 4 year college career offices; coaches; faith-based groups; libraries; parks and rec; etc.). Ask them to post your flyer and share your job announcement in their newsletters, radio announcements, and upcoming career fairs.
  • Email school district offices that include high schools, and ask them to distribute the flyer and job posting to its high schools. Email or call local high schools’ counseling and career centers.
  • Call or email local staffing agencies and ask them to place your job listing.
  • Email former afterschool program staff - ask them to apply and spread the word. 
  • Post the job listing on your website and share these graphics on your social channels. Ask your program staff to do the same.
  • Consider implementing a referral program -- offer a gift card or cash prize for each successful referral. 


Reach Out to Families and Alumni

  • Email alumni from your afterschool program - ask them to apply and spread the word.
  • Email local parent groups, include a flyer, and ask them to share it with their friends and families. Submit a post to NextDoor and other community and neighborhood listservs.
  • Send an email blast to families enrolled in your program, ask them to reach out to their networks.


Post Advertisements

  • Post position on relevant job sites (Idealist, Indeed, local college job boards)
  • Place an advertisement in local media outlets (both print and online). 


For more ideas like these, check out the Afterschool Alliance's 2021 Afterschool Staff Recruitment Toolkit.