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Building Back Stronger: Using SEL Resources to Enrich Your OST Program

Monday, 13 September 2021 00:00

As out-of-school time providers plan for the new school year, many are looking to social-emotional learning SEL to respond to the needs of children, staff and the communities they serve. The traumatic events of recent years and the COVID-19 pandemic have affected kids, but social-emotional skills—such as community-building, empathy and kindness, and growth mindset—can help children stay resilient. 

According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), SEL can help kids: 

  • Understand and process emotions.
  • Set and achieve positive goals.
  • Feel and show empathy for others.
  • Establish and maintain positive relationships.
  • Make responsible decisions.

Decades of research show the positive effects of universal, classroom-based SEL programs for kids. There’s also broad recognition that benefits are even greater when kids experience SEL throughout their day, across home, school and OST environments, and throughout developmental stages. When implemented holistically, SEL can build stronger communities, support inclusive, equitable learning and help kids feel connected. 

Gather resources and information for your OST program by watching this webinar: Building Back Stronger: Using SEL Resources to Enrich Your OST Program, presented by Amy Walker, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Committee for Children, and David Martineau, Director of Product Design & Innovation at the David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality.

Visit to learn more about the Second Step® Out-of-School Time SEL program. NAA members: when you purchase the program, get 10 percent off with discount code NAA2021.

Courtesy of Committee for Children.