Professional Development

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Prioritize Yourself! September is Self-Care Awareness Month

Tuesday, 07 September 2021 00:00

As an afterschool professional or leader you are expected to prioritize the wellness of those around you. But how often are you prioritizing yourself? Neglecting your own wellness and putting your self-care on the back burner only does a disservice to those who look to you for leadership. 

The National AfterSchool Association knows that it takes a selfless person to do the work you do. However, it’s important to note that proper self-care is not selfish. It’s about being in tune with your emotions, communicating clearly, and speaking up for yourself. Self-care is allowing yourself to say yes or no, guilt-free and to model this for others.

In honor of Self-Care Awareness Month, we encourage our members to prioritize themselves. Make a commitment to yourself during the month of September to implement at least one form of self-care into your daily routine. It can be something as minimal as intentional morning breaths or something extravagant like a weekend away from the everyday pressures. 

For more ideas check out these resources: 

The Afterschool Professional's Guide to Self-Care

Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First 

104 Self-Care Strategies for Afterschool Professionals

Self Care in 2021 Facebook Group

Article and photo courtesy of NAA.