Professional Development

NAA publishes fresh, new content every week covering a wide variety of topics related to the field of aftershool. In addition, NAA offers a variety of opportunities for virtual professional development (PD) through meaningful content, conversations and connections. Click here to see full descriptions of virtual PD offerings.

Connect, Learn and Grow—Together

During this unique time in history, afterschool professionals and leaders must meet the moment by finding new ways to connect, learn and grow. Because we can't gather in person at the NAA Convention, the new NAA Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) allow for us to connect virtually and with great intentionality!

The NAA PLCs are designed to inspire meaningful connections where participants join expert facilitators for collaborative guided learning experiences focused on the most important topics in afterschool. Over six to eight weeks starting mid-March, each PLC experience includes: a minimum of five hours live virtual facilitated interactive learning; up to five hours of self-paced learning activities; an NAA certificate of completion showing 10+ PD hours; and an end of PLC celebration.

Spring PLCs start mid-March and run for up to eight weeks depending on topic and facilitator design.

"The past year reinforced how important fostering connections and collaboration among afterschool professionals and leaders is to ensuring a long and lasting profession," said Gina Warner, President & CEO, NAA. "There's never been a better time to focus on your own professional growth. Now is the time to invest in learning opportunities such as the NAA PLCs, digging deeper and building your skills to best serve the young people and communities who need you."

The cost to participate is $150 per PLC and the registration deadline for spring cohorts is March 5, 2021. Participation is limited, so register today!


  • Superpowers for Supervisors

    Facilitator: Marissa Badgley, Founder & CEO, Reloveution
    | CKCs Content Area 10; Community Designed For CKCs Level 3, Emerging and Developing Leaders.
  • Developing Essential STEM Facilitation Skills

    Facilitator: Perrin Chick, ACRES Project at Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance | CKCs Content Areas 1-5; Community Designed For CKCs Levels 2 and 3, Developing and Proficient Professionals.
  • Leading with an Equity and Inclusion Mindset

    Facilitators: Jen Siaca Curry, Ed.D. and Darise JeanBaptiste, Change Impact; Chris Hudson, Camp Highlight | CKCs Content Areas 6, 9-10; Community Designed for CKCs Level 4, Advanced Professionals and/or Developing Leaders.

Learn more by visiting the NAA Professional Learning Communities page.

Courtesy of NAA.