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Professional Development

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Member-to-Member Tip Off: Socially Distanced SEL Activities

In NAA's Reopening Afterschool Facebook group, members have been asked questions covering a variety of relevant and helpful topics with the goal of offering an exchange of tips between leaders and professionals in the field.

Recently, NAA asked afterschool leaders for their best tips for socially distanced SEL activities.

"My best tip for socially distant SEL activities is our bingo board. During our staff meeting, staff contribute appropriate SEL 'challenges' to the board. Once students complete all of the activities, they are entered to win a prize. The best part about the bingo board is that it can be shared with those students who are 100% virtual as well." – Jamie Scott, Youth Program Coordinator, Edna Martin Christian Center.

"Our staff has really enjoyed recreating our outside/gym games into social distant acceptable games with the kids' help! Also, we've pushed to utilize our school's courtyard to attend zoom meetings while other kids have free time outside in a garden (they're all on different schedules)." – Callie Fowler Ranes, Tulsa Public Schools.

"We have colorful, soft floor markers that we use to outline a circle. We have an 'SEL convo starter' box. Someone reaches in, pulls out a card, and we have SEL chats. We also sometimes do the same activity during snack as a snack chat. Our youth enjoy the activity and our conversations have been pretty great! The conversational style helps emphasize how SEL is incorporated into daily life. This activity can also be utilized in a virtual setting." – Nikki Mills, Program Manager, Vineyard Community Center.

What are some of your top socially distanced SEL activities and tips?

NAA Executive members can join the Reopening Afterschool Facebook group to ask questions, brainstorm solutions, share resources, and learn from each other as our field takes on the challenge of meeting the needs of kids, families, and communities facing a very different back to school season. For more information and access, login to your member account today.

Courtesy of NAA.