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Reaching Rural Communities

Tuesday, 02 June 2020 12:14

During the COVID-19 pandemic, American Youth Policy Forum has been collecting resources pertinent to various disadvantaged youth populations. Recently, AYPF focused on resources related to rural populations and youth in foster care. We share some of them here.

Joe Sanfelippo, Education Dive's 2020 Superintendent of the Year, joined Future Ready's Thomas C. Murray to discuss how even in the midst of uncertainty, we can still find joy in the context of our work each day. Serving in a small rural district in Wisconsin brings significant barriers during remote learning, yet the Fall Creek School District staff continues to rise to the challenge.

Also available is the Rural Community Resource Hub—an open, up-to-date resource designed to help and empower rural communities addressing COVID-19 via curated resources for families, students, and educators.

This Southern Regional Education Board blog offers suggestions to district and school leaders on how to continue rural students' learning amid school closures, while the Center on Rural Innovation's maps and visualization tools provide a better understanding of the repercussions of this global health crisis for rural America.

This article details successful digital learning in Window Rock Unified School District, a rural district in the Navajo Nation in Arizona. Also, in a Redefining Rural podcast, Bayfield, Elizabeth and Greeley-Evans school districts share how they are tackling the challenge of continuous learning.

A donation of Chromebooks by Google will be distributed to rural communities in California to facilitate distance learning. Google is working with California governor Gavin Newsom and partners to distribute the devices. This article details how teachers are struggling not only to teach their students but to reach them as well.

Similarly, amid COVID-19, Florida issues 32,000 laptops to rural school districts and Ohio is distributing meals to rural children missing school in the wake of COVID-19. This program details efforts in Lockhart Independent School District in Texas to provide rural students with internet access.

Additionally, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced proactive flexibilities to feed children when schools close, while this guide from the U.S. Department of Agriculture details programs that can offer immediate and long-term assistance to rural communities affected by the pandemic.

To access even more resources, visit American Youth Policy Forum.

Courtesy of NAA.