Professional Development

NAA publishes fresh, new content every week covering a wide variety of topics related to the field of aftershool. In addition, NAA offers a variety of opportunities for virtual professional development (PD) through meaningful content, conversations and connections. Click here to see full descriptions of virtual PD offerings.

You Are the Strength of the National AfterSchool Association

The strength of any professional association is its people.

For the National AfterSchool Association, it's the afterschool professionals and leaders who give their all, working with and on behalf of young people during out-of-school time. Those people are NAA members.

Those people are you.

NAA is a professional association and community of individuals who have committed to a common cause. Thousands of individuals with a mutual purpose work together daily to strengthen the afterschool profession and services for young people.

Those people are you.

To recognize you and your efforts, NAA holds its Convention each March. A convention; not a conference. A convening where members of the profession come to talk about their shared work and common interests and renew commitments to ourselves, to our profession, and ultimately to young people. Each Convention kicks-off with the annual Roll Call of States and a rally for afterschool—recognizing members and speaking up in support of afterschool and afterschool professionals.

NAA Convention is a special event designed with discussion and engagement as key components, where participants are encouraged to speak and share their thoughts and experiences. Convention is planned and executed with and for afterschool professionals and leaders. NAA members present educational sessions, lead and participate in influential professional discussions, and inspire each other.

Come to NAA Convention, where you—as a member of the afterschool profession—are valued and your voice is heard.

Learn more and register today.

Written by Heidi Ham, Vice President of Programs and Strategy, NAA.