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25 Creative Ways to Ask Kids About Their Day

How we engage with children matters! It's time to take casual "how was your day" conversations to the next level and make them more meaningful.

Switching up end-of-day questions can keep kids engaged in dialogue and increase mental stimulation. This is important, as kids' thoughts and attitudes are developed and shaped by experiences and interactions from the world around them. Asking different questions can also positively support emotional, social and mental health—and it works for adults as well!

To help get the conversation started, we've compiled a list of questions you can ask the kids in your life at the end of each day.

  1. What was your favorite part of today?
  2. What was the funniest part of your day?
  3. Did anyone do something nice for you today?
  4. Did you help anyone out today?
  5. Was there something that challenged you today?
  6. If you could do today over, what would you change?
  7. Can you describe your day in three adjectives?
  8. Is there someone in your class that you haven't talked to?
  9. What is your teacher's most important classroom rule?
  10. Did you have any jobs to do in the classroom today?
  11. What would you rate your day on a scale of 0 to 10? Why?
  12. What was one thing that made you happy today?
  13. Is there someone in your class you'd like to get to know better?
  14. What was the hardest part of your day?
  15. What emotions did you feel today? Bored, energetic, happy?
  16. Did someone encourage you today?
  17. What is one thing that you are grateful for today?
  18. Did you make any new friends today?
  19. Can you teach me something that you learned today?
  20. Did you learn anything new about yourself?
  21. What do you want to do differently tomorrow?
  22. Did you try anything new today?
  23. What is something you want to learn about in school?
  24. What is something you saw that made you think?
  25. Did you get or give any compliments today?

To print these creative conversation starters, click here.

Written by Haley Warner, Courtesy of Girls on the Run. This article was republished with permission and originally appeared on the Girls on the Run blog.