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Professional Development

NAA publishes fresh, new content every week covering a wide variety of topics related to the field of aftershool. In addition, NAA offers a variety of opportunities for virtual professional development (PD) through meaningful content, conversations and connections. Click here to see full descriptions of virtual PD offerings.

Finding Your Purpose and Potential with Click2Science

Tuesday, 26 March 2019 00:00

I bet you know the purpose or mission of your program.

You may even have a mission statement on the tip of your tongue.

But what about you yourself? Is your purpose as clear?

Purpose: pur-pose (noun) the reason for which something is done.
Synonyms: motive, motivation, cause, reason, justification.

At Click2Science, our purpose is to improve the quality of STEM learning experiences through professional development (PD), and we do this by building purpose. Impactful PD experiences change people and develop their sense of purpose.

I often hear myself making the argument that investment in PD benefits programs, and in turn, benefits youth. But it also benefits individuals. One staff member said, "I felt that Click2Science training helped make me stronger in a lot of places I didn't realize I was weak in."

How can you develop your purpose and your reason for doing this work?

Let Click2Science be your partner in finding your purpose through our Working Out Loud circles or national trainer institute. Start with what you value about your work and use that to build your strengths. For instance, if you value the relationships you build with youth, improve your strengths in facilitating inclusive learning experiences. You'll find an online learning module, Creating Safe Spaces for STEM Learning, and several recorded webinars that can help build your skills and develop your purpose.

Get started now by exploring the resources that are most important to you at Click2Science.

Dr. Saundra Wever Frerichs is driven to learn about and improve informal science learning and teaching. She thinks the experiences we all have in museums, zoos, and gardens, in the clubs and groups we join, and with our family and friends to learn about the world and how it works are crucial. In particular, she focuses on providing support for volunteers and professionals who lead science experiences for youth— equipping them to be confident and effective as they make learning happen in all kinds of settings. As part of the Click2Science team, she designs and facilitates learning experiences for trainers and staff.

Works cited: Bowie, L., & Bronte-Tinkew, J. (2006). The Importance of Professional Development for Youth Workers. Child Trends, 1–9. Hawley, L., Stevens, J., Pense, S., & Perez, A. (2017). Click2SciencePD: Triangulated Evaluation. Retrieved from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Click2SciencePD.

Photo courtesy of Click2Science.