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Professional Development

NAA publishes fresh, new content every week covering a wide variety of topics related to the field of aftershool. In addition, NAA offers a variety of opportunities for virtual professional development (PD) through meaningful content, conversations and connections. Click here to see full descriptions of virtual PD offerings.

Learn About Equity in Afterschool at NAA19

For afterschool to truly serve the needs of all young people, it is important to address equity, diversity, and inclusion intentionally, in a meaningful way.

NAA19 will offer several educational sessions that support afterschool professionals and leaders in their efforts to address equity.

Here are a few of the equity-related sessions coming to NAA19, March 15 – 18, 2019 in New York City. Register today!

Improving Equity by Engaging Families
Families play a vital role in raising youth awareness of the value of STEM and in brokering youth participation in activities that build STEM interest and skills. For this reason, it's imperative that youth-serving programs share exemplary and promising practices around engaging families in the work they do. From different approaches in delivering your message to rethinking your program design, you'll learn from researchers and practitioners who have placed family engagement at the center of their approach. We welcome you to share your own challenges and successes during this interactive panel session.

It's Time to Address Equity in Leadership
You're ready to address issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion in your organization and in the field, but you don't know where to start. You're aware that leadership isn't reflective of the young people served and know that more can be done to create change. You see the glass ceiling we're perpetuating and are ready to break it! If this describes you, join us for this session.

  • Jimena Quiroga Hopkins, Development Without Limits West
  • Ruth Obel Jorgensen, California School-Age Consortium

Changemakers! Access and Equity in OST
In this session, based on the soon-to-be-published book Changemakers! Access and Equity in Out-of-School Time, chapter authors will share ways they have identified barriers to access and equity at their youth organizations, as well as strategies and solutions. Participants will have an opportunity to actively reflect on their own organizations and plan for change, working in small groups with the presenters.

  • Rebecca Fabiano, Fab Youth Philly
  • Sara Hill, Hill Consulting
  • Merle McGee, Planned Parenthood of NYC
  • Kathyrn Sharpe, University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development

Using Books to Foster Equity and Inclusion
Using Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop's concept of books as "mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors," we'll discuss the current state of diversity, inclusion, and equity in children's literature and considerations for selecting and incorporating children's books into afterschool programming.

  • Tarilyn Little, ExpandEd Schools
  • Rachel Roseberry, ExpandEd Schools

Leveling the "Play Gap" to Promote Social Equity
Studies indicate low-income children are suffering from a "play gap," where they receive less access to recess, open-ended play and safe playgrounds. Afterschool can be proactive in advocating for the important role of play, communicating with parents and incorporating play in programming.

  • Carol Tang, Children's Creativity Museum