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Professional Development

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Funding the Future: Aim Higher!

Searching for more funding for professional development, programming or evaluation?

The New York Life Foundation is awarding 26 grants—10 of them newly focused on professional development—to out-of-school time programs serving disadvantaged middle school youth through their Aim High grant program. Learn more about the grants and how to apply for this great opportunity.

Research has shown that for disadvantaged students, more learning time in the form of high-quality afterschool, expanded-day, and summer programs leads to greater achievement, better school attendance, and more engaged students.

The Aim High program is part of the New York Life Foundation's ongoing investment in middle school out-of-school-time (OST) programs to help economically disadvantaged eighth-graders reach ninth grade on time and prepared to succeed in high school. The grant program will fund afterschool, summer, and expanded learning programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, based on a competitive application process.

This year, the Aim High grant program provides $1,350,000 to support 26 organizations nationwide:

  • $100,000 over two years: Eight awards to be made to organizations with annual budgets of $500,000 or greater and annual program budgets of $250,000 or greater.

  • $50,000 over two years: Eight awards to be made to organizations with annual budgets of $250,000 or greater.

  • $15,000 for one year: 10 awards will be made to organizations with annual budgets of $150,000 or greater, specifically intended to provide OST programs with the ability to provide additional professional development opportunities to their staff.

With 10 of the grant opportunities having a specific focus on professional development, there's no better time for afterschool organizations to apply. Grants like these allow for afterschool professionals to grow by taking part in trainings—in-person and online—focusing on certification, credentialing, evaluation, capacity-building skills and specific teaching skills as well as train the trainer opportunities and curriculum development.

Apply now and view the full application and eligibility requirements.

The recipients of two-year grants will be chosen on the strength of their support for youth in the transition to the ninth grade, specifically around indicators of success such as on-time promotion, school attendance rates, improved behavior, grades and test scores, and/or the development of social and emotional skills. The Afterschool Alliance will convene a selection committee comprised of experts in the OST field to assess applicants and make grant recommendations.

The RFP will close on Friday, January 25, 2019, 5 p.m. ET, with grant winners being notified in May 2019.