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Monday, 21 June 2021 08:13

Stories That Shape Us: Stephanie Ladieu

NAA's "Stories That Shape Us" series shines a spotlight on the authentic stories and varying career paths of the afterschool profession. Told from the perspectives of NAA members themselves, each story is unique and highlights the differences but also the commonalities of the dedicated professionals serving youth around the country in out-of-school time today.

The new podcast series by The Wallace Foundation shares findings and early lessons from a RAND Corporation study of our Partnerships for Social and Emotional Learning Initiative (PSELI).

Monday, 14 June 2021 08:31

Stories That Shape Us: Mary McAllister

NAA's "Stories That Shape Us" series shines a spotlight on the authentic stories and varying career paths of the afterschool profession. Told from the perspectives of NAA members themselves, each story is unique and highlights the differences but also the commonalities of the dedicated professionals serving youth around the country in out-of-school time today.

Monday, 14 June 2021 08:29

Guidance with a Positive Mindset

Staying positive when working with kids can be difficult when we feel they "just won't listen," but a shift in mindset can change that. What if we stopped telling kids what to do and provided guidance on what they could do? Here's how.

Wednesday, 09 June 2021 16:38

Now Is the Time to Advocate for Job Quality

In partnership with our State Affiliates, NAA has fostered positive youth outcomes by supporting, developing and advocating for afterschool professionals and leaders for over 30 years.

Published in Executive Extra

The new podcast series by The Wallace Foundation shares findings and early lessons from a RAND Corporation study of our Partnerships for Social and Emotional Learning Initiative (PSELI).

Published in Executive Extra

Earlier this spring, NAA launched new Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) so afterschool professionals and leaders could meet the moment by finding new ways to connect, learn and grow.

Do you have insight related to literacy development in out-of-school time?

Published in Executive Extra
Monday, 10 May 2021 10:14

Organize, Motivate, Engage!

Recently, NAA sat down with Sandy Slade, president of Skillastics, to talk about how the pandemic has affected how she serves her clients.

Take learning to the next level in your afterschool clubs or camps with programming projects from Texas Instruments (TI).

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