Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.

Children categories


STEM Gems (1)

STEMGems Logo wNAA

STEM Gems are short discovery-based experiences. They involve little or no materials and may be easily implemented by educators who are not STEM specialists. Each STEM Gem is designed to engage young people in active experiential learning. The activities begin by setting up connections to prior knowledge, then a hands on activity provides new concepts and the opportunity to design experiments to answer any questions the kids discover. Finally, a connection to a different scenario for the concept is provided to help cement and evaluate the learning.

STEM Gems are experiences designed to be used with kids of all ages. Younger children should be focused on one idea or concept and should perform the activity as a collective group with prompts and directions from the teacher. With older youth, the teacher should act as a facilitator. The older youth should be set up to work independently in small teams and encouraged to ask questions and try out their own experiments to answer them. Each team should report back on their findings, so a consensus around the concept is reached.

Each STEM Gem is presented in an easy to follow lesson plan:

Big Ideas and Science Talk
Central concepts and key words to give the adult the science background for the experience.

Open ended questions to stimulate discussion and generate connections to prior knowledge.

What You Will Need
A list of the materials.

Before You Begin
The preparation needed for the activity.

Explore and Experiment
The directions for the experience designed using open ended questions that focus the children on discovering answers.

Make the Connection and Extend and Evaluate
Connections to other scenarios that use the same concepts and related question(s) or additional activity to evaluate knowledge.

STEM Gems are available to members only. Login to access STEM Gems. 



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The Afterschool Expert Hub: Ask An Expert

New Session Added for Convention Attendees! The Afterschool Expert Hub is leading a session, "Ask an Expert" on March 20 from 1:45 to 3 p.m at the NAA Convention and would like to invite you to participate.

Is your afterschool program looking for advice on addressing an organizational bottleneck that you'd like resolved? Maybe you're looking for sustainable fundraising streams or want to get your Board more involved or build team capacity. This session will bring together three experts in strategic planning, professional development and fundraising/earned revenue strategies with afterschool programs facing organizational challenges for live, rapid-fire problem-solving. Plus one lucky program will win $500 of grant funding towards a more in-depth capacity building project.

Please note that a representative from your program must be available to attend the session and engage with the experts.

Contest Details:

  • Submit your challenge: Use this form to tell us about the challenge your afterschool program would like to resolve. Submit early by 3/3 to get priority attention. All submissions must be received by 3/10 to be considered. The Afterschool Expert Hub and NAA will review submissions to determine which challenges will be considered at the session. The top 10 submissions will receive a free consultation by the Afterschool Expert Hub.
  • During the session: Representatives of the selected challenges will be asked to attend the session. During the session, the experts and the Afterschool Expert Hub team will guide them through questions to arrive at possible solutions for the programs to consider. At the end of the session, one program will receive $500 based on audience votes.
  • Questions? Email us at info@catalyst-ed.org and we're happy to help!

When It's Time to Retire: Afterschool Professionals Transitioning to the Next Stage of Life and Career

NAA is inviting afterschool leaders who are 50 and over to join a small group of colleagues in a discussion about that inevitable decision - as a leader, how am I preparing to move on to the next phase of my professional life? The focus groups will be an opportunity to share ideas about planning your own transition and identify resources that you and your organizations may need to make successful transitions. The discussions will be facilitated by Pam Stevens, a long time youth development champion and consultant, who will develop a set of recommendations for NAA. Each group is limited to 12 participants, so we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible.

Two Sessions Available:

  • Monday, March 20 from 9:30 - 11:00AM
  • Tuesday, March 21 from 9:30 - 11:00AM

Both to be held in the President's Suite at NAA17 (exact room location will be sent via confirmation).





Webinar: Engage, Connect, and Network at NAA17!

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Thursday, March 9, 2017 1:00PM EST

Designed for registered participants of NAA’s Annual Convention.

Conventions hold the promise of meaningful, in-person connections with like-minded colleagues - opportunities that are simply not possible through email and social media. With that in mind, NAA is making a concerted effort to foster a Convention culture of inclusion, effective engagement, networking and relationship building. A little planning prior to your attendance will reward you with a more meaningful experience and a strong professional network - one that can support you year-round!

Participants of the Webinar will learn:

  • Ideas and steps for creating your own strategic networking plan for Convention.
  • Ways to maximize even small networking moments that occur throughout the event.
  • How your personality and energy level is a factor and specific tips for both introverts and extroverts.

Seasoned participant of NAA’s Convention?
We’ve got you covered! The webinar will discuss how stepping into a “host” role by welcoming less seasoned participants and promoting engagement between participants can assist you with your own networking and leadership goals.


Robbie Samuels has been recognized as a networking expert by Inc. and Lifehacker, and profiled in Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It by Dorie Clark. Since 2009, his engaging and fun presentations have helped a wide array of audiences increase their confidence when it comes to relationship-building – whether through networking, fundraising, or sales. His clients have included Marriott International, Cornell University, and PA Consulting to name a few. He passionately believes everyone should stop wasting time networking and shares how through his signature session, “Art of the Schmooze.”


Rising to the Challenge: Afterschool Leaders as Catalysts for Community Change Registration Form

Pre Convention Event Web Graphic

Pre-Convention Special Event
Sunday, March 19th | Hilton Anatole Hotel
10:30 - 1:00 p.m. OR 1:30 - 4:00 p.m.
$175 per person



Rising to the Challenge: Afterschool Leaders as Catalysts for Community Change

Pre Convention Event Web Graphic

Pre-Convention Special Event
Sunday, March 19th | Hilton Anatole Hotel
10:30 - 1:00 p.m. OR 1:30 - 4:00 p.m.
$175 per person

We regret to inform you that we will not be holding the NAA Leadership Pre-Convention event on Sunday, March 19th. Thank you for your interest in the this event. Please stay engaged with NAA for information on future leadership opportunities. 

As afterschool leaders, we are often the glue that holds neighborhoods and communities together by becoming trusted friends, providing safe spaces with knowledgeable, competent, and caring professionals to bridge the needs of kids, families and schools.

This pre-conference session will lift you out of the day-to-day to set an inspirational direction for your work in your community. Join other forward-thinking afterschool professionals as we discuss:

  • What does it mean to be a leader for kids and families?
  • What can we as leaders actually do to be a catalyst for change in our communities?
  • How do we lead while also managing our everyday work and lives?
  • What’s stopping us from taking action and how do we move through it?

Participants will leave with an action plan that identifies immediate and longer-term next steps to prepare them to advocate for programs and policies that impact the overall quality of services for all children, youth, and families in their communities.

There are two options to participate but spaces are limited!

This session will support your core knowledge and competency development in Content Area #7: Family, School and Community Relationships, Relationships with Community and Content Area #10: Professional Development and Leadership, Displaying Professionalism in Practice and Leadership & Advocacy.





Webinar: Engage, Connect, and Network at NAA17!

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Thursday, February 16, 2017 1:00PM EST

Designed for all speakers (including poster presenters), Dallas Host Committee, NAA Board, NAA Affiliate Leaders, and all exhibitors who are attending NAA’s 2017 Annual Convention.

In an age where information can be found with one click and we count “likes” as engagement, conventions hold the promise of meaningful in-person connection with like-minded colleagues. Only through thoughtful and strategic planning will this promise become a reality for participants. If it does, they will become the best ambassadors, sharing their positive results as evidence that this convention is providing not only valuable content, but opportunities to build a strong professional network.

This webinar prepares the NAA board, convention presenters, and affiliate leaders to fulfill their role as hosts creating a convention culture of inclusion and effective engagement. We will discuss macro concepts (e.g. what makes a convention feel vibrant?) and specific steps to take (e.g. welcoming participants into your space to encourage interaction prior to the program).


Robbie Samuels has been recognized as a networking expert by Inc. and Lifehacker, and profiled in Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It by Dorie Clark. Since 2009, his engaging and fun presentations have helped a wide array of audiences increase their confidence when it comes to relationship-building – whether through networking, fundraising, or sales. His clients have included Marriott International, Cornell University, and PA Consulting to name a few. He passionately believes everyone should stop wasting time networking and shares how through his signature session, “Art of the Schmooze.”



Host Committee Outreach

Thank you in advance for helping us spread the word an advocating for the afterschool professional!



Thank you for your interest in these podcasts from NAA! Some of the following podcasts are available to our Executive members only. If you are an Executive member, please proceed with logging in. If you aren’t, and wish to join/upgrade, please click here.


No upcoming podcasts at this time.


Afterschool Answers Podcast Series

Welcome to “AfterSchool Answers,” an Executive-only Podcast series hosted by NAA’s President & CEO, Gina Warner. With each Podcast, you’ll gain valuable insight as we chat with some of our industry’s most knowledgeable and talented people. Each series will aim to dig deeper into various issues and topics that impact both your professional success and that of your program.


NAA Quality Conversations

Each day, over 10 million children participate in afterschool programs. Working parents rely on these programs to keep their children learning, growing and safe during the gap hours—after the school day ends, but before parents come home from work. Parents also rely on these afterschool programs to be staffed and run by professionals who have training and expertise in working with children and youth. In a series of podcasts, NAA Executive Director Gina Warner will speak to researchers, experts, practitioners and funders about afterschool quality—what it is, how to achieve it and why its imperative.




Speaker/Event Request

Are you interested in bringing an AfterSchool expert to your program or community? If so, please fill out the form below and someone from our team will be in touch to discuss details. All events must be a minimum of 45 days from the time of submission to be considered.

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