Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.


Thank you for your interest in these podcasts from NAA! Some of the following podcasts are available to our Executive members only. If you are an Executive member, please proceed with logging in. If you aren’t, and wish to join/upgrade, please click here.


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Afterschool Answers Podcast Series

Welcome to “AfterSchool Answers,” an Executive-only Podcast series hosted by NAA’s President & CEO, Gina Warner. With each Podcast, you’ll gain valuable insight as we chat with some of our industry’s most knowledgeable and talented people. Each series will aim to dig deeper into various issues and topics that impact both your professional success and that of your program.


NAA Quality Conversations

Each day, over 10 million children participate in afterschool programs. Working parents rely on these programs to keep their children learning, growing and safe during the gap hours—after the school day ends, but before parents come home from work. Parents also rely on these afterschool programs to be staffed and run by professionals who have training and expertise in working with children and youth. In a series of podcasts, NAA Executive Director Gina Warner will speak to researchers, experts, practitioners and funders about afterschool quality—what it is, how to achieve it and why its imperative.