The Afterschool Expert Hub: Ask An Expert

New Session Added for Convention Attendees! The Afterschool Expert Hub is leading a session, "Ask an Expert" on March 20 from 1:45 to 3 p.m at the NAA Convention and would like to invite you to participate.

Is your afterschool program looking for advice on addressing an organizational bottleneck that you'd like resolved? Maybe you're looking for sustainable fundraising streams or want to get your Board more involved or build team capacity. This session will bring together three experts in strategic planning, professional development and fundraising/earned revenue strategies with afterschool programs facing organizational challenges for live, rapid-fire problem-solving. Plus one lucky program will win $500 of grant funding towards a more in-depth capacity building project.

Please note that a representative from your program must be available to attend the session and engage with the experts.

Contest Details:

  • Submit your challenge: Use this form to tell us about the challenge your afterschool program would like to resolve. Submit early by 3/3 to get priority attention. All submissions must be received by 3/10 to be considered. The Afterschool Expert Hub and NAA will review submissions to determine which challenges will be considered at the session. The top 10 submissions will receive a free consultation by the Afterschool Expert Hub.
  • During the session: Representatives of the selected challenges will be asked to attend the session. During the session, the experts and the Afterschool Expert Hub team will guide them through questions to arrive at possible solutions for the programs to consider. At the end of the session, one program will receive $500 based on audience votes.
  • Questions? Email us at and we're happy to help!