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Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.

Top Workshops You Don't Want To Miss

The 2016 NAA Convention is now only two months away! We've been working hard to put together the best program yet, and are excited to highlight some workshops we're most excited about. You can also preview all of our 140+ sessions on our website.

Make sure to join us in Orlando to attend these great workshops:

1. Eight Habits of Highly Effective Afterschool Leaders - TOP PRESENTER 2015!
How can you be more effective at leading others in the afterschool profession? Attend this event and explore the traits, passions and habits required to be a highly effective afterschool leader. These eight habits are essential for afterschool professionals in leadership roles leading kids, mentoring colleagues or supervising staff. Come investigate these powerful elements and learn practical approaches to enhance these traits and transform yourself and others into extraordinary afterschool leaders.

Mike Ashcraft, Children's Choice

2. Frame it Right! Winning Afterschool STEM Messages - FROM NAA's 25 MOST INFLUENTIAL in STEM!
Advocates, fundraisers and communicators know that telling a great story can boost support for afterschool STEM, but how do you know which story works? You test it! We've done just that. Join us to learn about new data on afterschool STEM from the America After 3PM report and then learn how to use it to tell a story. We will present new research-based communications tools and strategies developed especially for building support for afterschool STEM. In this hands-on session, participants will see the research behind the recommendations and try their hand at using these new tools. They will leave with proven talking points, PPT slides you can swipe and even an animation you can use.

Anita Krishnamurthi, NAA's Most Influential in STEM, Afterschool Alliance; Jennifer Nichols, Frameworks Institute

3. Tools to Energize Staff through Family Engagement - TOP PRESENTER 2015!
Family engagement is a challenge no matter the goal of your afterschool program, but attracting families to participate in wellness efforts can be particularly difficult. You'll leave this session with simple and practical strategies to inspire your staff to create positive and long-lasting relationships with families.

Daniel Hatcher, Alliance for a Healthier Generation; Kellie May, National Recreation and Park Association; Michelle Owens, Alliance for a Healthier Generation

4. Beyond Race: Tools To Teach Social Justice - TOP PRESENTER 2015!
In this powerful session, practitioners will be exposed to the various layers of identity that millennial students claim in their diverse worlds, and how afterschool providers can understand and support some of the most pertinent needs facing today's student. Fast-paced and hands-on, this presentation is specifically designed for individuals that are currently or plan to work directly with students and ready to go "deeper" with exploring race, culture, privilege and class in today's settings.

Eric Rowles, Leading To Change

5. You Can't Make Everyone Happy. You're Not Pizza. - TOP PRESENTER 2015!
If I could choose one superpower to have, it would be to make everyone happy all of the time. Wouldn't that be great? In the real world, that's just not possible. Approaching and navigating a tough conversation is one of the most stressful things you will have to do. Whether it's an upset parent or demotivated staff, ignoring it or putting it off will just multiply the stress on everyone involved. This workshop will give you a super power level of confidence to approach and navigate those difficult conversations. You will learn easily applied tips and tricks that are proven to help turn a difficult conversation into a successful result.

Stacy Litteral, Kids' Country

6. Social and Emotional Development Beyond the Bell
This interactive session provides participants with strategies for supporting the social and emotional development of youth using tools from the Beyond the Bell Toolkit. Participants will learn research-based practices and work collaboratively to integrate skill and competency development (Social and Emotional Learning, 21st Century Skills, Higher Order Thinking skill) and assess staff SEL understanding and practices.

Fausto López, American Institutes for Research; Deborah Moroney, American Institutes for Research

7. Triple Delight Fitness: Yoga and Zumba - TOP PRESENTER 2015!
This session focuses on the importance of health and nutrition for children, with an emphasis on yoga and Zumba. Participants will learn yoga exercises, breathing techniques and meditation approaches that work for all children, including special needs children. We'll also practice Zumba, with a warm-up, a breakdown of routines and a rhythm review, focusing will teach particular steps and aerobic dance. Join us for a fun and active session with props, scarves, balloons and hula-hoops.

Victoria Cook, The Campagna Center

8. Data Data Everywhere But Not a Fact to Share!
Data: They're everywhere! Yet, many programs, districts and networks face challenges in collecting or analyzing meaningful data, and communicating results. In the afterschool field we too often rely on anecdotal evidence in a world where "hard data" is the only language policymakers and funders seem to speak. This session serves three purposes: 1) Share a data success story from the state of NH where the Department of Education, the NH Afterschool Network and a state university teamed up in a mutually beneficial partnership; 2) Share the results of data analysis, the challenges faced and next steps for getting the word out; 3) Discuss ways in which audience members can leverage untapped resources to create dynamic partnerships.

Hilary Swank, Plymouth State University

9. Developing Youth Skills for Global Readiness
Explore and boost your program impact. P21 and Asia Society team up to share 21st century global readiness outcomes for youth and provide practical strategies to intentionally plan hands-on activities around global readiness. Participants will share their own strategies and come away with a host of ready to use resources from the field.

Heather Loewecke, Asia Society; Helen Soule, Partnership for 21st Century Learning

10. The Power of Library and Museum Partnerships – FROM NAA's 25 MOST INFLUENTIAL in STEM!
The Chicago Public Library and Museum of Science and Industry have a nationally recognized multiyear partnership to include STEM in the afterschool and summer learning settings. This session will outline the successful model we have used to create our long term, high impact partnership. We will focus on identifying and leveraging the strengths of each organization and combining existing programs to increase their impact. Specific topics will include finding connections between literacy and STEM, identifying appropriate STEM activities for the library setting, creating high quality training professional development opportunities for program leaders, multi-site implementation and pursuing shared funding opportunities.

Elizabeth McChesney, Chicago Public Library; Brett Nicholas, Museum of Science and Industry; Bryan Wunar, NAA's Most Influential in STEM, Museum of Science and Industry

We'll announce even more workshops in the next few weeks, so stay tuned for even more outstanding workshops presented by the best in afterschool!

Written by Erin Leonard, Convenings Manager, Collaborative Communications.

Photo courtesy of Chris Zarconi.