NAA Professional Learning Community for Emerging Leaders of Color

EmergingLeadersofColor LOGO

Thank you for your interest in applying to NAA’s Professional Learning Community for Emerging Leaders of Color (PLC).

Applications are now closed.

Vision of NAA’s Professional Learning Community for Emerging Leaders of Color

Professional Learning Community for Emerging Leaders of Color seeks to foster a network of equity-driven leaders of color, support them in deepening their equity analysis and leadership skills to be agents of change in the afterschool field and help them create a roadmap that advances their careers in the afterschool field.

The Professional Learning Community for Emerging Leaders of Color seeks to increase the capacity of emerging leaders of color to be equity-driven change agents in the afterschool field.


  • Strengthen and deepen the leadership capacity and competencies of PLC participants
  • Foster and strengthen relationships across BCLC PLC participants
  • Build a national network of equity-driven leaders

PLC Design

Between March 2020 and July 2020, participants of this program will meet six times, (4 virtual sessions, 2 in-person sessions). Through interactive, engaging and thoughtfully facilitated sessions that will foster community and elicit dialogue and self-reflection, participants will:

  • Network and build community with other leaders of color across the country;
  • Explore how power, privilege and oppression impact leaders of color as they navigate systems and in their efforts to best serve young people;
  • Engage in personal reflection and examine the intersection between their personal development and their leadership practices; and
  • Deepen their equity analysis and gain strategies to influence and inform policy and practices within their organizations.

Applicant Requirements:

This leadership opportunity is designed for people of color in out-of-school time who hold mid-level management positions (i.e. site coordinators, program managers, etc.) and would like to be a part of an equity-driven leadership program that will support them in advancing in their careers in the afterschool field. To qualify for this program, applicants must:

  • Identify as a person of color.
  • Hold a middle management level position (ex: site coordinator, regional manager, site director, etc.) This PLC is not intended for executive/senior level directors or consultants.
  • Have an aspiration for advanced leadership in the field of afterschool.
  • Have exposure to and/or experience supervising adults, working with budgets and designing and running programming.
  • Have support from your agency supervisor to participate in NAA’s Professional Learning Community for Emerging Leaders of Color. You will be required to submit a participant agreement signed by you and your supervisor.
  • Able to attend ALL virtual and in-person sessions (see dates below.)


Participants of the PLC are expected to attend all in-person and virtual sessions. Dates are noted below, along with the estimated time commitment.

Session Dates:

  • March 6th (Virtual Orientation) 10:00am PT/1:00pm ET - 11:00am PT/2:00pm ET
  • March 14-17th (In-person retreat and sessions at the NAA Convention 2020, Washington, D.C.)
  • April 9th (Virtual) 10:00am PT/1:00pm ET - 2:00pm PT/5:00pm ET
  • May 7th (Virtual) 10:00am PT/1:00pm ET - 2:00pm PT/5:00pm ET
  • May 28th (Virtual) 10:00am PT/1:00pm ET - 2:00pm PT/5:00pm ET
  • June 11th (Virtual) 10:00am PT/1:00pm ET - 2:00pm PT/5:00pm ET
  • July 7th (In-person Closing Retreat. Location TBD.)

Total Estimated Professional Development Hours = 66

  • Virtual Sessions ~ 4 hours each (16)
  • In-person Opening Retreat & Sessions at NAA20 Convention - (30)*
  • In- person Closing Retreat - (8)
  • Assignments (readings, reflections, leadership plan, etc.) - approximately 2 hours per session (12)*

*As a part of this leadership program, participants will also complete assignments in between sessions, attend a curated strand of workshops at the NAA20 Convention and develop an equity-focused leadership development plan.

Participation Costs and Stipend

Participants of this program will receive:

  • Complimentary air travel to the Opening Retreat and Sessions (Washington, D.C. - March 14-17th) and closing retreat (Location TBA - July); 1 dinner and 3 lunches at the Opening Retreat at NAA20 Convention and all meals for the July retreat.
  • $1,900 stipend to offset travel costs, which includes: hotel accommodations for NAA20 Convention - ~ $1,000 (Washington, D.C. - March) and Closing Retreat ~ $200 (Location TBA - July); ground transportation for March and July retreats; and all meals not included in retreats.
  • Complimentary registration to attend the NAA20 Convention in Washington, D.C. ($600 value)
  • An NAA Executive membership ($99 value)

Application Process & Notification

Applications are due by 5:00pm PST Monday, February 10, 2020.

The application will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. If accepted, you’ll be required to submit a participant agreement signed by you and your supervisor. Applicants will be notified of the status of their application on or by February 14, 2020.




If you have questions about the application, please contact Jimena Quiroga Hopkins at (833) 605-4648 ext. 701.