NAA’s Professional Learning Community for Emerging Leaders of Color FAQs

EmergingLeadersofColor LOGO

Why is NAA’s Professional Learning Community for Emerging Leaders of Color (PLC) opportunity only for staff who identify as a person of color?

Research findings from the The Afterschool Leadership Landscape: Supporting and Strengthening Racial Equity report, along with research from the non-profit sector, shows that people of color are not being hired or promoted at the same rate as their white colleagues. One way to address this systemic inequity is to provide opportunities like these for leaders of color.

Research also shows that people of color thrive in leadership development spaces that are designed specifically for them and take into account their experiences with inequity, power, privilege and oppression.

Are we saying that people of color don’t have the skills to advance?

No. Leaders of color face systemic, institutional, interpersonal and cultural barriers to advanced leadership. This program acknowledges that this inequity exists and is creating an intentional space for leaders of color to explore leadership development that is designed for and by leaders of color.

What can supervisors expect of their staff who participate in this program?

Participants of this program will develop a heightened and sharpened analysis of the ways power, privilege and oppression operate. Participants will engage in deep self-reflection and will strengthen their awareness and understanding of their experience with power, privilege and oppression. Participants will gain tools, resources and skills that support their capacity to be equity-driven leaders and affect meaningful systems-level change.

What support will participants of the PLC need?

This is an intensive leadership experience that will require participants to devote time to attend the Opening Retreat March 15-18 in Washington, D.C., 4 virtual sessions from April-June and a closing retreat in July (location TBA). In addition to supporting participants to prioritize the work for the PLC, participating staff may need consistent space to reflect on their experience and support in implementing their Leadership Development plan.

What if I already know I have a conflict with one of the session dates?

This program is designed to create a space for participants to build a sense of community. Additionally, the content is progressive and for this reason, we ask that individuals apply only if they are able to attend ALL the sessions. As future funding is available to continue offering this program, NAA will work toward offering this leadership development opportunity in the future.

If my application is accepted, what are the costs for me to participate in this PLC?

Organizations are expected to cover staff costs, including wages, to enable their staff to participate fully in the PLC.

Participants of this program will receive:

  • Complimentary air travel to the opening retreat at the NAA20 Convention (Washington, D.C. - March 14th-17th) and closing retreat (Location TBA - July); 1 dinner and 3 lunches at the opening retreat at the NAA20 Convention; all meals for the July closing retreat.
  • Complimentary registration to attend the NAA20 Convention in Washington, D.C. ($600 value)
  • An NAA Executive membership ($99 value)
  • $1,900 stipend to offset travel costs, which includes:

    • Hotel accommodations for NAA20 Convention (approx. $1,000, Washington, D.C. - March) and Closing Retreat (approx. $200, location TBA - July)
    • Ground transportation for March and July retreats
    • All meals not included in retreats

Is this PLC only for people of color or are other underrepresented groups able to apply?

This PLC is specifically designed for people of color. While the analysis of systems and levels of oppression will be intersectional, the content will focus intensively on racial justice and equity.

If you have questions about the application, please contact Jimena Quiroga Hopkins at 833-605-4648 ext. 701.