
NAA is pleased to offer the afterschool professional a wide range of tools and downloads designed to both grow your career and strengthen your program.

The Afterschool Guide to Building Relationships and Routines Version 2

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The Afterschool Guide to Building Relationships and Routines eBook was created to help afterschool professionals create safe, supportive environments for young people - which the Science of Learning and Development (SoLD) tells us facilitates healthy development -- through program activities that build relationships and routines.

Because physically safe environments are also a necessary component of quality programs, in response to the pandemic and related health and safety recommendations, the eBook has been revised. The Afterschool Guide to Building Relationships and Routines Version Two eBook includes activity variations to account for physical distancing.

Within this guide, you will find a variety of activities that support SoLD and focus on fostering relationships as well as ideas for implementing program procedures to build routines all with the intent of supporting afterschool professionals in creating physically and emotionally safe environments.

The Guide supports NAA Core Knowledge and Competencies for Afterschool Professionals Content Areas 2–Learning Environments and Curriculum, 4–Interactions with Children and Youth, and 5–Youth Engagement.

The revised eBook is an Executive member benefit and is accessible on the Leadership Resources page of your membership profile..