
NAA is pleased to offer the afterschool professional a wide range of tools and downloads designed to both grow your career and strengthen your program.

Summer of Inspiration

SummerofInspiration21 Web

Winter/Early Spring is a popular time for summer program planning. From professional development and curriculum planning to supply purchasing and equipment upgrades, there’s a lot to consider. In this guide, you’ll find top picks from NAA, our Advocate members and valued partners.

Afterschool professionals and programs play a critical role in keeping kids learning, safe and healthy during the summer months, too. Summer learning and day camp programs tap into kids’ interests in subjects like STEM and the arts, can make learning academic content fun, build social-emotional skills, get kids physically active, and provide nutritious meals. Use this guide – and the products and services in it – to create high-quality summer programs and a summer of inspiration!

The catalog is also accessible on the Program Resources page of your membership profile..