Strategic Plan 2015-2018

Executive Summary

How kids spend their time matters.

In order for young people to fully realize their potential and thrive, they need opportunities and relationships beyond what they have access to at school and at home.

NAA exists to inspire, connect and equip professionals who meet this critical need for young people.

The afterschool professional is our primary audience and at the center of all of NAA's work. Over the next five years, NAA will pursue its mission by inspiring, connecting and equipping at least 200,000 professionals who collectively will enrich the lives of more than four million young people, roughly half of all children who currently participate in afterschool programs.

To achieve that result, NAA will function as the "voice of the field" and engage its state affiliates and members to pursue three major strategies:

  • Improving program quality by developing and equipping professionals
  • Connecting and growing the field of afterschool and expanded learning programs and providers
  • Bridging research, practice and policy to strengthen the profession

By 2018, NAA will use its influence, membership and assets to fundamentally re-shape the way young people spend their time outside of school.

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