
Frequently Asked Questions:

What will Advisory Panel members do?
Quite simply, as an AST Reader Advisory Panel member you'll help guide us in planning and executing our editorial coverage by letting us know what issues and topics are important to you and your colleagues. We want to "pick your brain" as the saying goes. We want to hear your great ideas for topics, people, reading, tools, and issues AfterSchool Today should seek to address. We are also interested in your ideas, tips, tricks and tools. We want to learn about the concerns that keep you awake at night—what you need to stay on top of to support your staff and run and improve your programs. How do you go about creatively resolving most pressing problems of your day? This kind of valuable information sharing among members is what NAA is all about.

What's in it for you?
You'll be part of an exclusive group that helps guide our editorial coverage to make AfterSchool Today the most valuable publication to cross your desk. Periodically, Advisory panel members will be acknowledged in AfterSchool Today and thanked for their contributions with a personal letter from the Executive Director that is suitable for your professional portfolio and performance reviews.

What will be required of you?
We know you're busy, so we won't flood your inbox. Rather, we'll ask you to participate in at least one of these ways.

First: We'll send you a quarterly online survey about the issues and topics we have covered and should cover in the future. This will help us assess how well we are doing, as well as help us better shape what we cover.
Second: We'll share our editorial calendar with you in advance. If you feel you, your program, or someone you know has something to offer to a story, please let us know so we may call on you as a possible resource.
Third: If you are interested and willing, we may send you an advance copy of an article or book that we think will interest you, and ask for your timely feedback.

You choose what ways you contribute, and how much or how little, by responding to our requests.

What's in it for us?
Your expertise. We want your opinions and your feedback. We want you to tell us what you want to see, as well as what you don't want to see. In this way, we'll be able to deliver the targeted editorial content that you need to do your job better, grow your career, and strengthen our field.

More questions? Please e-mail Gina Warner:

Ready to apply? Click here.