Looking for resources to help you, your teammates, or your staff integrate computer science in afterschool? Following are 20 helpful websites, articles, and organizations:
Last year, I felt like a Gen Xer living in a millennial's world. Wait—who am I kidding? That's exactly what I was! This year is different. I realized that I'd somehow grown from latchkey, Doc Martens, and MTV of the '70s and '80s to afterschool for all, casual Fridays and Twitter for the 21st Century!
The impact of technology on afterschool professionals is significant. Through technology, afterschool professionals can more effectively interact with one another, grow their afterschool wheelbase, and receive flexible and personalized learning.
National AfterSchool Association • 2961A Hunter Mill Road, #626 • Oakton, VA 22124 • info@naaweb.org