Emerging best practices in out-of-school time (OST) are well-aligned with the goals of social and emotional learning (SEL), but few SEL programs are designed for OST environments.
Intermediary organizations play a critical role in the afterschool ecosystem by connecting OST providers to each other and to other stakeholders – including policymakers, funders, parents and communities.
The National Institute on Out-of-School Time and RTI International recently released "Monitoring the Uptake of National AfterSchool Association Physical Activity Standards."
The school-year is ending, and thoughts have turned to summer. When I look back on my time at summer camp, I recall very specific experiences—learning to fold and care for the American flag; hitting my first full canter astride a horse; learning sign language; pouring lye down the outhouse privy; synchronized swimming in the pond; singing silly songs around a campfire; peaceful devotions under a pine tree canopy; maybe even a few preteen crushes.
Get excited about moving!
Technology comes with a price tag many afterschool programs cannot afford—and if they can afford it, the idea of a child "running with" technology is perhaps nerve-wracking. Technology is the here and now, however, and when we can use it to boost physical fitness, sometimes we have to step outside of our comfort zones and try.
When was the last time you attended a conference and had the opportunity to network with hundreds of out-of-school time professionals ... while wearing your pajamas? Hundreds of afterschool professionals just did at the National AfterSchool Association Virtual Convention.
According to a 1999 Wallace Foundation report, libraries play a key role in "supporting the informational, educational, and literacy needs of young people in their community."
Libraries can be an important multipurpose dedicated space for youth to engage in self-directed learning that is generated by youth's interests and needs and what is most useful and compelling.
National AfterSchool Association • 2961A Hunter Mill Road, #626 • Oakton, VA 22124 • info@naaweb.org