
Check out the latest news about NAA and special announcements pertinent to the field of afterschool.



 Register today - Space is limited at the Afterschool for All Challenge! Registration closes at midnight, February 17 (deadline extended!)aalogo

On Tuesday, March 10, we're teaming up with the Afterschool Alliance and afterschool professionals from around the country to meet face to face with members of Congress and urge them to support kids and families who rely on afterschool programs. Signup for the Afterschool for All Challenge and bring your powerful stories to our nation's capital to share with our federal elected officials. At the Convention, we’ll host workshops and trainings to prepare you to meet with your representative, and learn ways you can engage with your local policymakers when you return home. 

group of girlsBy participating in the National Afterschool Association Convention and Afterschool for All Challenge, you'll have the opportunity to hear from leaders around the country who are working to provide opportunities for health and wellness in afterschool, pilot efforts for kids and afterschool staff to earn digital badges, provide STEM learning opportunities after school and much more. You'll receive training on how to be an effective advocate for afterschool and then you'll hone those advocacy skills by participating in meetings on Capitol Hill with your elected officials.

Join Us Online
Even if you can't make it to DC to meet face to face, we will need your help to amplify the message. You're the local expert on afterschool. Members of Congress need to hear from constituents like you who care about making afterschool for all a reality. In the coming months we'll be sharing everything you need to reach out from home, including sample scripts and a guide for planning a district meeting with your local Congressional office, courtesy of the Afterschool Alliance.

2014 Highlights
Last year, participants from 46 states met with their senators and representatives to talk about the many ways afterschool programs support children, families, school and communities, and to urge them to support the Afterschool for America's Children Act. Hundreds more afterschool supporters participated in the event from their own communities. As a result of these efforts, the number of co-sponsors of the Afterschool for America's Children Act more than quadrupled!

afterschool alliance afterschoolalliance 1

Make plans to join us in DC today!