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Purposeful Pathways: Our Time with New Jersey’s Afterschool Communities

Wednesday, 03 May 2023 09:36

NAA had the opportunity to join the statewide network for New Jersey's Afterschool Communities as they hosted their 2023 conference, Purposeful Pathways: Expanding Access, Increasing Opportunities. Not only did it coincide with AfterSchool Professionals Appreciation Week, but it was NJSACC's 30th anniversary of advocating for implementing the New Jersey Quality Afterschool Standards and supporting the development, continuity, and expansion of out-of-school time programs. 

The conference was kicked off by the CEO of NJSACC and NAA board member Ebony Grace, who shared about the lasting impact of afterschool on her life and career journey. A slideshow then highlighted different staff members with photos and quotes of their afterschool experience and personal views on the importance of NJSACC. Check it out here.

Our Director of Advocacy and Workforce Initiatives, Angelica Portillo, presented on NAA's Thriving Workforce Initiative, which reinforced creating a thriving OST workforce prioritizes job quality, which makes our workforce stable and enables afterschool professionals to deliver high-quality programs that lead to positive youth outcomes.

Participants engaged in conversations about designing high-quality, equitable employment opportunities and were provided with tools and resources to develop and sustain the OST workforce. 

To learn more about NAA's Creating a Thrivng OST Workforce efforts:
Fall 2022 Afterschool Today
Solving the Workforce Puzzle