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Why You Should Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People

Monday, 06 February 2023 10:40

Your squad, your posse, your people. Finding like-minded people isn’t just a pleasant discovery, it’s a basic human need. We are programmed to seek out others who can supply us with the love and sense of belonging we crave and, as social creatures, we crave those relationships. Without supportive people who accept you, understand your aspirations, and want you to thrive in life, you will likely encounter struggles that could further alienate you from important social groups and goals. At NAA23, you will have several opportunities to find your people among other dedicated Afterschool professionals.

Benefits of Building Your Inner Circle:

  1. You have people to inspire and motivate you.
  2. You can talk openly about your thoughts, dreams, and problems without fear of judgment.
  3. You feel safe being yourself.
  4. You have trusted friends who can hold you accountable. 

Everyone needs people they can go to with anything without fear of judgment, ridicule, or animosity. What better place to find yours than in a room full of professionals who share your hardships and affinities? Join us for NAA23 March 19-22, 2023.