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Proudly Introducing NAA22 Convention Top Session and Presenter Honorees!

Thursday, 06 October 2022 18:43

Since 2015, The National AfterSchool Association has been honoring the presenters of top NAA Convention sessions. The 2022 results are now in!

These special sessions and presenters, selected by Convention participants for their excellent content, dynamic presentation styles, and relationship-building skills, help create the wonderful experience that our community has come to expect.

In this year’s qualification criteria, top sessions received a minimum of 10 participant evaluations and a score of at least 4.5 out of 5.

NAA is grateful to all our presenters for their contributions to the development of afterschool professionals and the OST profession.

Please join us in congratulating the following presenters for their NAA22 Convention Sessions!

P.S. – Are you interested in seeing your name in lights and on this list for 2023? Prepare to share your shine! Learn more and submit your NAA23 Convention session proposal by October 21, 2022.