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Check out the latest news about NAA and special announcements pertinent to the field of afterschool.

5 NAA19 Sessions to Be Excited About!

Monday, 18 February 2019 13:40

Each year, the NAA Convention brings together more than 2,000 afterschool professionals and leaders to get inspired, connect and learn. Educational sessions are the heart of NAA Convention and offer more than 11.5 hours of professional development.

Here are a few of the 150+ sessions we're excited to bring you in New York City!

Addressing Current Events in Afterschool

With current events being center stage in the news and social media, we know they are also in the minds and conversations of youth. This interactive workshop provides best practices to help afterschool and youth professionals create engaging experiences and environments for young people as they tackle these prominent, often complex issues in a timely and relevant manner.

Presented by Rachel Greene-Wilber, Director of Program Design & Youth Trends, Boys & Girls Clubs of America

We can't wait for this timely session on how to discuss current events in an engaging way with youth. This is definitely a session that will offer tips and tools that can be implemented immediately!

Partnering with Youth to Address Hunger

One in six kids lives in a household struggling with hunger. Youth can often be the best advocates for themselves, their peers, and their communities. This session will show you how to partner with youth to address hunger and give you tools to connect kids and families with community resources. You will leave this session with at least two resources to build support and take action.

Presented by Daniel Hatcher, Director of Community Partnerships, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, and Carolyn Wait, Senior Program Manager, Share Our Strength.

Daniel Hatcher is one of our top presenters year after year, and we're especially excited for this session about empowering youth to make a difference!

The Afterschool Escape Room II

Did you miss the Afterschool Escape Room last year? Don't fret! Our master trainers are back to help you experience a new version of the Afterschool Escape Room that delves into social-emotional learning (SEL). Discover how you can bring this hot trend to your program!

Presented by Shawn Petty, Director of Training, and Lauri Celli, Technical Assistance Coach, at Westat.

Shawn Petty and Lauri Celli are true experts at creating unique learning experiences, and we're really looking forward to this escape room session—a favorite from last year!

Engaging Stakeholders with Passion & Purpose

Why should you engage your stakeholders? How does it benefit your organization and is it worth the effort? Engaging stakeholders with passion and purpose aligns the needs and wants of the organization with the benefits to the communities they serve. This session will explore how to engage different stakeholder groups to influence your organization's programming and policies. Participants will learn strategies to identify key stakeholders, methods of engagement, and best practices around building sustainable partnerships to meet organizational needs. By the end of the session, participants will gain an understanding of how to maximize the impact and reach of strategies presented.

Presented by Yexenia Markland, Deputy Director, Planning, Program Integration, and Evaluation, and Astrid Spota, Director of Analytics, at the NYC Department of Youth & Community Development

Learn from New York City afterschool leaders about how to effectively engage stakeholders and share your passion and purpose!

Self-Care through Mindfulness and Awareness

Do you ever feel stressed out or overwhelmed by your work? Don't worry: We've all been there. Vicarious (or second-hand) trauma and chronic stress are realities of youth development work. This interactive workshop will give you tools to check in on your own resilience and mindfulness strategies to help build resilience in yourself and the youth you serve.

Presented by Kirk Lowis, Director of Youth Programs, Portage Community Center.

Kirk Lowis is a long-time NAA Convention presenter, and we're looking forward to this session about self-care--important for all afterschool professionals!

Learn more about our NAA19 educational sessions.

Information courtesy of NAA.