Children categories


STEM Gems (1)

STEMGems Logo wNAA

STEM Gems are short discovery-based experiences. They involve little or no materials and may be easily implemented by educators who are not STEM specialists. Each STEM Gem is designed to engage young people in active experiential learning. The activities begin by setting up connections to prior knowledge, then a hands on activity provides new concepts and the opportunity to design experiments to answer any questions the kids discover. Finally, a connection to a different scenario for the concept is provided to help cement and evaluate the learning.

STEM Gems are experiences designed to be used with kids of all ages. Younger children should be focused on one idea or concept and should perform the activity as a collective group with prompts and directions from the teacher. With older youth, the teacher should act as a facilitator. The older youth should be set up to work independently in small teams and encouraged to ask questions and try out their own experiments to answer them. Each team should report back on their findings, so a consensus around the concept is reached.

Each STEM Gem is presented in an easy to follow lesson plan:

Big Ideas and Science Talk
Central concepts and key words to give the adult the science background for the experience.

Open ended questions to stimulate discussion and generate connections to prior knowledge.

What You Will Need
A list of the materials.

Before You Begin
The preparation needed for the activity.

Explore and Experiment
The directions for the experience designed using open ended questions that focus the children on discovering answers.

Make the Connection and Extend and Evaluate
Connections to other scenarios that use the same concepts and related question(s) or additional activity to evaluate knowledge.

STEM Gems are available to members only. Login to access STEM Gems. 



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Jessica Hay

Jessica brings over 10 years of nonprofit experience with a focus on youth development, education, health, and communications. Her passion for afterschool was sparked when she got her first job with a summer camp at her local recreation department. While she earned her bachelor’s in political science and master’s in social work, she continued to work in the afterschool and summer learning, bringing those educational experiences to her work for children and youth.

Prior to joining NAA, Jessica worked with the National Girls Collaborative Project on increasing representation in STEM learning spaces. She also led Policy, STEM, Wellness, and Quality Improvement initiatives with the California AfterSchool Network. She led coalition-building efforts to increase funding for and access to quality afterschool and summer learning programs at the local, state, and federal levels, and developed numerous capacity-building programs for expanded learning professionals. Beyond her programmatic work, Jessica has extensive experience advancing policy to support gender equity and access to healthcare and education.  

Angelica Portillo

Angelica Portillo’s passion for education and public policy led her to advocate for the Out-of-School Time (OST) field. She has spent nearly a decade working in afterschool programs and providing OST programs with quality assistance, which ultimately led her to serve as NAA's Director of Advocacy and Workforce Development. 

Before her role at NAA, Portillo worked at Dallas Aftershool as the Director of Advocacy, increasing access to afterschool programs for children across Dallas County. In 2018, the National Afterschool Association (NAA) honored her with the Next Generation of Afterschool Leaders award. Angelica holds a bachelor's degree in Political Science and Public Administration from the University of North Texas (UNT) and is currently a board member for the Dallas Regional Chamber's Young Professionals. She also takes pride in being an alumnus of Leadership ISD Civic Voices, Mayor's Star Council, and the LBJ Women's Campaign School.

Heidi Ham

As a product of out-of-school-time programs, a long-time member of NAA, and a participant in national youth work, Heidi Ham brings both a historical and national perspective to her role at NAA.

Her passion for afterschool programs and professional job quality drives her to increase NAA's communications, professional development opportunities, and affiliate and member engagement. Her work has been instrumental in a number of the organization's offerings, including the Leading with Emotional Intelligence Fellowship, NAA's Core Knowledge and Competencies 2021 Update, afterschool's first Virtual Convention, and the first series of STEM Micro-Credentials and Digital Badges for afterschool professionals.

Ham earned her K-12 teaching certification and a Bachelor's degree in social science and education from Central Washington University and a graduate certificate in training and development from Central Michigan University. Before her time at NAA, Ham was a Senior Quality and Accreditation Advisor for a large national education company with over 1600 early learning centers and 400 afterschool programs nationwide. At NAA, she fulfills personal and professional commitments to inspire, connect, and equip professionals who meet the critical need to provide quality out-of-school time programs for young people.

Gina Warner

Growing up in rural Alabama as a teenager, Gina Warner was mentored by afterschool professionals who guided her into being the influential public speaker and leader that she is today. In June 2012, she was named President and CEO of the National AfterSchool Association. In this role, she works to meet the needs of both emerging and experienced afterschool professionals through enhanced training and development, and increased communication, outreach, and membership engagement. Warner has introduced a number of innovations to the organization, including the first nationally-recognized credentialing platform for afterschool professionals, an Afterschool Digital Learning toolkit created in partnership with Google, and two national leadership initiatives focused on emerging leaders in the afterschool field.  She has also worked to broaden and expand the reach of NAA, diversifying its partnership through the creation of a Corporate Advisory Board and the International Learning Exchange Program.

Prior to her time at NAA, Warner served as the Executive Director of the Partnership for Youth Development in New Orleans, Louisiana, where she helped existing and new after school programs as they sought to serve children and families in post-Katrina New Orleans.  She is also a former public school teacher and U.S. Senate staffer.

Warner is a 1990 graduate of the University of South Alabama and a 1995 graduate of Loyola Law School.  She and her family live in the DC area.

New Beginnings - Time to Refresh and Renew - Products and Services Catalog

From professional development and curriculum planning to supply purchasing and equipment upgrades, there’s a lot to consider when starting a new school year. 

In this guide, you’ll find top picks from NAA, our Advocate members and valued partners to make it an amazing year!



The Walking Classroom in Afterschool: An active, fun, academically enriching program that easily supports social distancing

Tuesday, October 5, 2021 | 1:00 - 1:45 PM ET (12 PM CT, 11 AM MT, 10 AM PT)

Sponsored by:


The Walking Classroom is a simple, effective, and engaging program that is easily implemented in afterschool for in-person, virtual and hybrid learning environments. Kids listen to fun, educational podcasts that align with content standards while they take a brisk walk. Every podcast is supported by a lesson plan and tons of supplemental resources.

The program naturally allows for physical distancing between students as they walk—either at school, afterschool or at home. The mobile app brings the program to any mobile device, while the preloaded WalkKit audio players are great for students with no internet or mobile devices.

The free, live webinar will offer NAA members:

  • Ideas for combining physical activity with learning
  • Ideas for introducing and incorporating social-emotional skills
  • Ideas for using the podcast topic library as a starting point for building a rich afterschool curriculum


Each attendee will receive a free copy of our electronic Teacher’s Guide full of lesson plans and program guidance (a $100 value)
Attendee may also request a certificate for 1 hour of Professional Development from The Walking Classroom

Presenter: Laura Fenn, Founder and CEO, The Walking Classroom




Building Back Stronger: Using SEL Resources to Enrich Your OST Program

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As OST providers plan for the new school year, many are looking to social-emotional learning (SEL) to respond to the needs of children, staff and the communities they serve. 

In this webinar we'll explore:

  • How the traumatic events of recent years have affected kids and how SEL can help
  • The concept of holistic SEL and how it relates to the importance of SEL in OST environments
  • The Weikart Center’s SEL Program Quality Assessment (SEL PQA) as a resource to strengthen your program
  • Second Step® Out-of-School Time, a practical, research-based SEL program from Committee for Children that helps support K–5 children in your community


Committee for Children is a global nonprofit dedicated to helping children thrive. Our Second Step® family of programs creates brighter futures for kids everywhere through a holistic approach to social-emotional learning (SEL). For more than 40 years, our research-based, teacher-informed, and classroom-tested SEL curricula have helped transform schools into empowering, successful learning environments uniquely equipped to support every child. We’ve recently expanded our curricula to include digital programs for Grades K–8 as well as new programs for out-of-school time and adult SEL to help strengthen learning communities across the globe.

The Weikart Center helps communities and networks build quality improvement systems that ensure out-of-school time (OST) programs are places where children and youth thrive. Using an approach grounded in research and practice, the Weikart Center supports OST networks and youth programs to create safe, supportive, and productive learning environments for young people.
Amy Walker, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Committee for Children
A national expert on implementing systemic social-emotional learning in large school districts, Amy Walker has spoken at dozens of conferences in the United States and abroad about SEL, violence prevention, bullying prevention, and child protection. At Committee for Children, she works to develop and maintain partnerships with businesses, organizations, and individuals to help expand our reach and impact.
David Martineau, Director of Design and Innovation, the Forum for Youth Investment’s David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality 
David Martineau leads efforts to design and deliver powerful learning experiences and scalable quality improvement systems that strengthen practice and programs for young people. Dave has more than 25 years of experience in youth development, social justice education, group facilitation, and social services.





Director of Advocacy and Workforce Initiatives


Director of Advocacy and Workforce Initiatives 

Type: Full Time Exempt (40 hrs./week)                                                         Posted: August 2, 2021           

Salary Range: $65,000-75,000/yr.                                                                  Application Due by: 10AM ET August 16, 2021

Location: Remote                                                                                             Position Start Date: September 2021



The National AfterSchool Association (NAA), the professional membership organization for those who work with and on behalf of young people during Out-of-School Time (OST), is hiring a Director of Advocacy and Workforce Initiatives (Director).

NAA's 32,000 members represent a diversity of voices, roles, and experiences but are united in a commitment to quality programs for children, families, and communities. This position will play an essential role in supporting NAA in fostering positive youth outcomes by supporting, developing, and advocating for afterschool professionals and leaders. As a national association, we deploy our mission through people-centered programs, professional development, and partnerships. We work to increase equity, access, and connections to create a strong, valued profession that benefits kids, families, and communities. Ensuring adequate, holistic compensation to carry this invaluable workforce forward is necessary for upholding the field's commitment to equity, access, and quality.

In this newly-created position, the Director will lead NAA's advocacy work and have the opportunity to shape a different future for our field - one which recognizes, rewards, and provides professionals with the job quality commensurate with their contributions and impact. The Director will work collaboratively with field partners, advocates, professionals who do this work, and other stakeholders to cultivate a broader cultural shift that respects and values the significant influence of this essential workforce.

The ideal candidate will be inspired by NAA's mission and passionate about building equity, access, and connections. They will be a systems-level thinker who will use their exceptional communication, organization, coalition-building, and advocacy skills to:

  1. Increase political and philanthropic will, policies, and funding that supports increased workforce recognition and job quality.
  2. Gather data and support data collection and communications efforts to understand more about this essential workforce
  3. Create systems to Recruit, Retain, and Advance the Members of the Profession - from direct service to leadership with a particular focus on building leadership pathways for people of color in the field.

Commitment to Equity

As we grow the NAA team, we strive to create an affirming, welcoming environment that values diversity. We are committed to an inclusive environment that allows all team members to thrive.

Because of our commitment to equity -- and because our work is rooted in positive youth development -- the new Director must be comfortable engaging in these topics, self-reflective, and willing to challenge themselves and others to learn and grow continually.

People of color and members of other historically excluded groups are encouraged to apply.

Major Roles + Responsibilities

  • Educate stakeholders about program quality and draw connections to the value and needs of the OST workforce
  • Educate and develop relationships with advocacy, policy, and government relations staff at national and state organizations and coalitions
  • Collaborate with other organizations and stakeholders that are focused on elevating workforce opportunities for improved job quality and equity
  • Convene and facilitate meetings with state and local afterschool intermediaries to assess the current afterschool workforce landscape, systems, and support efforts
  • Build a coalition that amplifies policy and funding opportunities to support workforce job quality
  • Conduct or oversee data collection and research projects to analyze current workforce trends and develop related policy and funding recommendations
  • Collect and analyze data --or support efforts -- to identify career pathways, professional development, and other opportunities
  • Create systems to recruit, retain, and advance the profession's members - from direct service to leadership, including focusing on creating leadership opportunities for people of color in the field

More Ideal Candidate Qualifications

We understand that it's unlikely that a candidate will have all of these qualifications but will bring an assortment of the following:

  • A minimum of 4 years of advocacy, policy, or workforce development experience, ideally for a mission-driven or non-profit organization
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent professional development or training in education, public policy, public administration, or related field, preferred but not required
  • Experience creating policy agendas and influencing policy outcomes; skilled at advocating policy positions before a wide variety of audiences
  • Experience growing and activating grassroots networks
  • Experience participating in coalitions and building strategic relationships with diverse groups and interests
  • Experience in developing pilots and large-scale initiatives
  • Ability to interact effectively in the community and at multiple levels within organizations, especially organizations that serve culturally and economically diverse communities
  • Ability to use data to identify insights, priorities, build understanding, and mobilize action
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office and collaboration platforms (Google Suite, Dropbox)
  • Background in or understanding of issues affecting the afterschool field and afterschool workforce is helpful

This position may be a good fit for you if…

  • You believe deeply in NAA's mission and have a fierce commitment to equity and understanding of the workforce’s role in providing high-quality programs for young people.
  • You thrive working on innovative projects and balancing multiple projects at once.
  • You gain energy through conversation and building deep, trusted relationships.
  • You appreciate working in a small, agile team and sharing leadership.
  • You are flexible, willing to share ideas, and raise questions.
  • You think strategically and can work tactically and creatively with attentiveness to details and deadlines.
  • You like to work hard and have fun, often at the same time.

The Director must be able to sit and stand for long periods and use a computer and phone to communicate with others. Reasonable accommodations will be made if needed for candidates who can fulfill the essential functions of the job.


The Director role is a full-time (40 hours per week) exempt remote position and may require occasional travel and evening or weekend meetings. The expected salary range is a minimum of $65,000 to a maximum of $75,000, depending on qualifications and experience.
In addition, NAA offers the following:

  • $10K Benefits Stipend
  • Short and Long-Term Disability and Life Insurance
  • Paid Time Off - including holidays, winter break, days for self and family care
  • Flexible Work Schedule
  • 401K Option - employer match after one year
  • NAA provides, reimburses, or provides stipends for typical items needed to complete required work such as laptop, printer/scanner, cell phone, high-speed internet, office supplies, scheduling software, etc.



In addition to providing basic information, candidates applying should be prepared to answer these questions instead of a cover letter:

  1. Are you an NAA Member?
  2. Using the NAA Strategic Framework 2020-24 and the job description as a guide, highlight your top experience, skills, and dispositions that illustrate your ability to be successful as NAA's Director of Advocacy and Workforce Initiatives.
  3. Why are you interested in joining the NAA team?

You will also need to upload:

  • A current resume or CV
  • A professional portfolio, relevant work samples, or other items that showcase your related experience.

Applications are only accepted online. Submissions received by 10 AM ET on Monday, August 16, 2021, will be given full consideration. All applications will be acknowledged via an email receipt from Google Forms with the subject line National AfterSchool Association Director of Advocacy and Workforce Initiatives. If you complete an application and don't receive this email, check your email's spam folder.

Consideration will be given to applications as they are received. A member of the NAA team will contact candidates selected for interviews. We encourage early applications; zoom interviews will begin the week of August 16.

NAA Strategic Framework 2020-24

We're Hiring—Communications Director

Were hiring 1

Communications Director

Type: Full Time Exempt (40 hrs./week)                                                            Posted: July 12, 2021           

Salary Range: $65,000-75,000/yr.                                                                     Application Deadline: 1 PM ET July 26, 2021

Location: Remote                                                                                                Position Start Date: August - September 2021



The National AfterSchool Association (NAA), the professional membership organization for those who work with and behalf of young people during Out-of-School Time, is hiring a Communications Director.

NAA’s 32,000 members represent a diversity of voices, roles, and experiences, but are united in a commitment to children, families, and communities. This position will play an essential role in supporting NAA in fostering positive youth outcomes by supporting, developing, and advocating for afterschool professionals and leaders. As a national association, we deploy our mission through people-centered programs and partnerships, building equity, access, and connections to create a strong, valued profession that benefits kids, families, and communities.

In this newly created position, the Communications Director, will have the opportunity to shape the systems and processes that the organization will use for external communications.

The ideal candidate will be inspired by NAA’s mission and passionate about building equity and connections. They will be a skilled communicator, writer, and editor who is also adept at marketing through a variety of communications channels.

Commitment to Equity

As we grow the NAA team we strive to create an affirming, welcoming, environment that values diversity. We are committed to an inclusive environment that allows all team members to thrive.

Because of our commitment to equity and our work that is rooted in the tenets of youth development, including continuous improvement, it is extremely important that the new Communications Director is comfortable engaging around these topics, is self-reflective, and willing to challenge themselves and others to continually learn and grow.
People of color and members of other historically excluded groups are encouraged to apply.

Major Roles + Responsibilities

● Working with the NAA team to create and coordinate an annual marketing and communications strategy and calendar.
● Establishing systems for and creating (or managing the creation of), design development, and editing of all organizational communications (enews, eblasts, bi-annual digital magazine).
● Ensuring content aligned with NAA’s mission, strategic focus areas, and target general or specific audiences. Achieving balance in coverage of issues that impact and resources that support the afterschool field, the profession, and its professionals. Sourcing content from Affiliates, executive members, funders, partners, stakeholders, and media.
● Developing a social media engagement strategy with aligned goals, plans, and data review points.
● Promoting engagement through NAA’s social media accounts (LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook); managing the content and timing of social media posts.
● Seeking, securing, and fulfilling digital advertising opportunities, supporting Convention exhibit booth and sponsorships sales (booths and on-site items will be fulfilled by Convention logistics partner).
● Determining, collecting, analyzing communication metrics. Reporting metrics with suggestions for leveraging communications for growth and engagement.
● Write, edit, proofread, and coordinate other materials as needed.

More Ideal Candidate Qualifications

● A minimum 4 years of work experience in communications and marketing, ideally for a mission-driven or non-profit organization.
● 2- or 4-year degree in communications, marketing, or related field preferred, but not required.
● Experience and strong working knowledge growing engagement through content creation and promotion across digital platforms - web, social media, e-marketing and basic graphic design. Member engagement, visual, video storytelling, and editing are a plus.
● Proficient in Microsoft Office, multiple social media, and collaboration platforms (Google Suite, Dropbox), experience with basic graphic design software (Canva, Adobe), and email marketing systems. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems or association management systems (AMS) experience is a plus.
● Success managing projects involving multiple contributors, deadlines, and audiences.
● Experience understanding and presenting data metrics.
● Comfort making straightforward website and system updates (coding not required).
● Background in or understanding of issues affecting the afterschool field and afterschool workforce is helpful.

This position may be a good fit for you if…

● You like to write and edit and are good at it. You have experience turning fuzzy or complex writing into clear, concise, compelling, and relatable communications.
● You appreciate working in a small, agile team and sharing leadership.
● You are flexible, willing to share ideas, and raise questions.
● You like to work hard and have fun, often at the same time.
● You appreciate efficiency and enjoy creating systems to simplify processes.
● You think strategically and can work tactically and creatively with attentiveness to details and deadlines.
● You want to -- and want others to -- answer yes to these questions related to your work: Is it beautiful? Is it inspiring? Will it change something? Do you love it?
● You believe deeply in NAA’s mission.


This is a full-time (40 hours per week) exempt remote position; occasional travel and evening or weekend meetings may be required. The expected salary range is $65,000 - $75,000 depending on qualifications and experience.
In addition, NAA offers the following:
● Health Benefits Stipend
● Short and Long-Term Disability and Life Insurance
● Paid Time Off - including holidays, short winter break, days for self and family care.
● Flexible Work Schedule
● 401K Option with employer match after one year


In addition to providing basic information, candidates applying should be prepared to answer these questions in lieu of a cover letter:
1. Are you an NAA Member?
2. Using the NAA Strategic Framework 2020-24 and this Communications Director Job Description as a guide, highlight your top experience, skills, and dispositions that illustrate your ability to provide communications that support NAA's mission and strategic focus areas and prepare you to be successful as NAA's Communications Director.
3. Why are you interested in joining the NAA team?

You will also be asked to upload:
● A current resume or CV
● A professional portfolio or relevant work samples

Applications are only accepted online. Submissions received by 1:00 PM ET on Monday July 26, 2021, will be given full consideration. All applications will be held confidentially and acknowledged via an email receipt from Google Forms with the subject line National AfterSchool Association Communications Director Application. If you complete an application and don’t receive this email, check your email’s spam folder.

Consideration will be given to applications as they are received. Candidates who are selected for interviews will be contacted by a member of the NAA team. We encourage early applications; interviewing will begin the week of July 19.

NAA Strategic Framework 2020-24

Webinar Landing Page

[graphic goes here]

Tuesday, May 25, 2021 | 1:00 - 1:45 PM ET (12 PM CT, 11 AM MT, 10 AM PT)

Sponsored by:

CIC Health Logo

In an environment of continued high community spread, and where children under 12 are not yet eligible to be fully vaccinated, regular testing can help create a space that is safe for children and adults to help return to the educational mission.

In this webinar, we’ll highlight the latest CDC guidance for schools and camps and how program directors can think about the role of testing to meet state and federal guidance. We will share how COVID-19 pooled testing has been used within the State of Massachusetts to safely return children back to school and how CIC Health has created a testing program that allows youth programs large and small to regularly test their community in a low cost and efficient manner.

This webinar is designed to:

  • Demystify the process of setting up and scaling testing for afterschool programs
  • Share real results from our work with more than 500 Massachusetts public schools in a statewide testing initiative
  • Detail the experience of one of our partner schools through a guest speaker
  • Show you how CIC Health, the largest testing services provider to schools in New England and a leading provider nationwide, can support you with providing operational management, consultation on the latest CDC guidelines, and help guide your programs COVID-19 reopening plan.
  • Give you the opportunity to get your questions answered


About CIC Health
CIC Health offers comprehensive COVID-19 testing and vaccination services that are accessible, fast, and easy. The health tech company operates dozens of public testing sites, provides testing services — including pooled testing — to more than 600 schools and 375 organizations, and runs three mass vaccination sites: Gillette Stadium, Hynes Convention Center, and Reggie Lewis Center. Headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., the company facilitated more than 1.6 million PCR tests in its first eight months and over 750,000 vaccine doses in just three months.

CIC Health collaborates with private and public entities like CLIA-certified labs, physician networks, health care institutions, and state and municipal governments to streamline and expedite operations to meet public health challenges. It is a Tech Top 50 Company in Massachusetts and a subsidiary of Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC).

CIC Health was co-founded by Tim Rowe and Atul Guwande, Surgeon, Writer, and Public Health Researcher.





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