Executive Member Summer Leadership Webinar Series

SummerLeadershipWebinars Web

Summer is a great time to focus on your personal leadership development and plan for stronger staff engagement. Executive members are invited to soak up the Vitamin PD with these great webinars!

Staff Up! Recruiting and Retaining Quality People

June 28, 2018
Presented by Marissa Badgley, ExpandED Schools

Given high rates of staff turnover in afterschool programs across the country, this webinar will provide an overview of best and promising practices for recruiting and retaining the “right” people in school and afterschool settings. We will explore systems and policies that get in the way of doing this work effectively and how to improve these systems and policies in ways that ensure sustainability and long-term success of our programs.


Leading with Focus - How to Engage Your Employees

July 26, 2018
Presented by Stacy Litteral and Ann Tancioco, Kids' Country

Leadership is a journey, not a destination. In this session, you will learn how to navigate that journey to ensure you engage staff at the highest level possible, making the greatest impact on those you serve.


Proactive Management - Preventing Program Fires

August 2, 2018
Presented by Justin Hensley, Tori Schwarzlose and Jeff Miller, After-School All-Stars

With our programming experience, we can put out any “program fires” ourselves. But have we developed the tools and practices that help minimize their chances of occurring, or empowered and equipped our staff to do it themselves? In this session, we’ll dive into the approaches, habits, and best practices that define proactive managers.