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HEPA Standards 2.0

HEPA2Studies show that healthy, active children learn better, perform better academically and experience fewer behavioral problems. But many children are not getting the healthy food and physical activity they need each day. Afterschool and summer learning programs are well positioned to be key partners in a comprehensive effort to help children grow up healthy.

A coalition of individuals from the National Institute on Out-of-School Time, the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and the YMCA of the USA collaborated as the Healthy Out-of-School Time (HOST) Coalition to develop standards on healthy eating and physical activity (HEPA) in Out-of-School time (OST). The Standards were adopted by the National AfterSchool Association and named the NAA HEPA Standards for Out-of-School Time.

In 2018, the HOST Coalition Leadership Team, including newer members the National Recreation and Park Association and the Afterschool Alliance, completed an extensive refresh of the standards. In version 2.0 you will find a streamlined, user-friendly version of the Standards. NAA invites you to download the standards and encourages you to tailor them to your program's specific needs as you strive to be a high-quality program that promotes healthy behaviors.

Download the HEPA Standards 2 0



HEPA Slide forWeb

 © National AfterSchool Association 2018